I just finished listening to Ch. 34-3 for the second time. Something caught my attention at the end; Tanya being released from solitary. My mind began to race like Russel Crowe staring at newspapers in A Beautiful Mind.

Why now? Tanya has been locked up since they arrived in Irwin. How long is that, 2-4 months? Why now, when all hell is breaking loose would Col Kimmet decide to release her? I know at first thought it would be because he needs all medical personal available, and that may be true from Kimmet's perspective. But what about KC's?

Now KC could be letting her loose simply because our heroes may need to shoot n scoot soon and this will help keep Tayna in the story. But my thoughts are this...

Tayna is as important to the Zombies and Ink as she is to the survivors and a possible cure.

Allow me to print out the "newspaper" my mind has been dissecting.

Chapter 19-3
Note: Michael and Hope discuss how he dazed in and out talking about Randy back in 19-1, this will come in again later in this post.

Chapter 20-2
Tanya sees Saul for the first time. Discuss's case's of "prolonged turning" back at the colony. They had to euthanize the subject before a full turning, which upset Tanya who wanted to run more tests.

Take note Tanya says "A vet also has to give treatments and perform complex surgeries"

Chapter 23-1
Tanya is attacked by a group of biters when walking in between the tower and the secondary tower. Michael see's one dragging Tanya's body with other biters surrounding him as to protect him. Michael shouts out "Randy!" as he shoots his hand which was dragging Tanya away.
Steven notices a few of the zombies "were burned".

I bring all that up to give you a better background of where my train of thought is headed.

What if someway some how Ink knows of Tanya and perhaps needs her help? Wild I know. Ink is seen at the hospital by Kalani and Riley and again at the Tower trying to get into one of the rooms albeit Burts. Could he have been there looking for help with his creations?
What are the odds that Randy is brought up when Michael first meets Tanya and again some chapters later. Randy, as per our wiki , can be regarded as a "smart one". Maybe Randy knows something about her and needs her for something?

I know I am really reaching but part of me thinks that Tanya's release now in Chapter 34-3 is all too timely. I will be watching and waiting to see if she is "spared" again in this upcoming battle at Irwin.