Yeah the Randy fellow is a hell of a question. Who the hell is he? Hes got to be a brotheer of Michael or a troop friend since he said hes an only child, but who knows. Hes got to come in play sometime. Why had noone asked about why Michael shouted RANDY out to the group of zombies carrying Tanya away before the Tower fell? I Love that everyones back togather again though at the end of Chapter 36. I knew theyd all meet up again I just thought Angel would make it first. I dont think anyone is going to die from heere on out. Mikes Pissed off and ready to attack and he has the man power and training to bring those fucking lil ones and That fucker in the suit down.

I hope it drags on at least till a fifth season. ive been with the show since the second episode and I love it more and and other podcast, Scott Sigler does have good shit too. But nothing that has went as long and strong as We're Alive. I love it keep it up KC.