Quote Originally Posted by Supertroy View Post
I really hope so. As much as I have manlove for Saul and Victor, I want something that catches me up on the rest of the gang, soon. Especially since we jumped ahead 4 months in EP 31. Is Reily still a drunk, or has the military life given her something to live for? What's the general state of things? What about Hope? Did the doctors fix her? And Peggs, what's she up to? Has Tanya turned?

Don't get me wrong, I don't mind the Saul, Victor, Lizzie and CJ show, but I wanna know what else is going on.
Hi there.

Yeah, I am curious as well. And I wouldn't be surprised too much that KC has prepared something for each character; but at the moment the focus is pretty tight.

Let's guess:
Riley => becomes a Rodriguez-bitch like in Machete and is prepared to literally vaporize Scratch
Hope => becomes a River-clone like in Firefly and will eat zombies alive, yeah, that's right; at first she cures 'em zombies in order to destroy them afterwards.
Pegs => realizes: Love and peace are nice, but guns are even more, and then she dwarves any actress from the Resident Evil movie-series.
Kelly => as a former lawyer she is just one step away from becoming judgess DreadASS, and she will return THE LAW back to LA ...
And Datu the ressourcefull? Well: Since he is the ressourcefull, he transforms into Optimus Prime and starts to kickass like crazy ...

All the best!