Got in another listen this morning on the drive to work. Lots to like in this episode.

CJ's surgery - I was dead wrong about both the graphic surgery and CJ dying on the table. <munches on crow>
I really liked the effect of the headphones and music. Especially when Saul says "Can you hear me?" and CJ mumbles back "A little". Very well done, team!

Michael's past - we learn a little about a younger Michael with the ether discussion with Saul. I like how Saul pushes Michael and Mikey is very non-commital and standoffish. Continues to show Michael's unwillingness to open up to folks or show any sort of perceived weakness. As a matter of fact, he swings completely in the opposite direction - doesn't explicitly admit that he was doing ether/drugs but claims a strength in knowing how to make it now. Typical Michael....
We also get the reference to past pain and "nearly having my arm broken off". Not much more info for the Broken Wing Saga, but maybe we are getting closer?

Michael and Pegs - This hasn't been my favorite relationship/storyline in WA. I wasn't real excited when they got together nor wasI real upset when they split at Fort Irwin. I know it's a major part of the story, I'm just not that excited about it. But, I will say that we got a little deeper into Michael's head with the discussion in this episode. He was able to open up in the letters apparently but still couldn't really open himself up in person. Michael doesn't want to be perceived as weak or vulnerable in any way. Physically or emotionally. He overcompensates for it by completely hiding his past. He is ashamed of somethings back there (c'mon, who isn't!) and he's probably got some level of PTSD from his time deployed. I think this is going to come to a head before much longer. He's already had one mini-breakdown (back when he gave up command and ended up finding the Colony). We're on track for something bigger, I think. Maybe it'll be another "Screw it! Do it yourselves!" outburst that has him and some crew leaving the Colony...

Michael and Victor and the Colony - Victor has brought it up twice now: A lot of the Colonists aren't going to like Michael taking charge because they remember what he did to the Colony. As with anything, there is truth and there is perception. The perceived truth to the majority (if not all) of the remaining Colonists is that Michael was the catalyst (see what I did there) for the downward spiral the Colony took since the end of July. Michael had been publicly seen as dangerous. Gatekeeper and crew then were able to blame Marcus' death on him as well as the disarmament. Then the radio call, verified to have happened by Glenn, that brought the Mallers. You can see how the average Colonist that's been there the whole time could easily be convinced by someone (like Victor maybe) that Michael doesn't have their best interests at heart. Is it a powerplay by Victor to take a spot at the Colony? Sure he says that he wasn't well liked around there but we don't really know that....

Puck - the King of Comedy - Some great lines again. "I get it. It's the "End of Days" but have a little class!" and "Aw, it's the broad... Come on, don't be a glumy goose." But another line that caught my attention in this episode was when Puck and friends see Michael before he talks to Pegs. Puck says "Hey boss man." This sets up a divide between the Fort Irwin guys and the Colonists if it comes to a divide on Michael. Puck also goes toe to toe with Victor in defense of Michael. Long live the Puck!!!

The video - I always felt that the information about Angel and his ultimate end would be discovered before it was revealed by Victor. If Vic was going to tell them, he would have done it already. I know a lot has happened in a few days but he could have at least told Saul before. The knowledge of what happened to Angel and that Victor was hiding it will stir up trouble of course. Michael and the Fort Irwin Towerites hadn't had any interaction with her or the Mallers since the Tower fell. Saul and Victor (and Lizzie) did in the very recent past. Will the video stir up a big revenge impulse in our heroes? Not sure. I think we will have a Scratch story arc resolution with or without the video.
For me the bigger story is, what was Victor really protecting? Was it the circumstances around Angel's demise (even though he was thought to be dead already) or perhaps some tie in with the Family. Maybe Victor's "insurance salesman" job was a protection racket for an organized crime group like maybe, the Family... Or even something more sinister...

Ok, enough for now. Time to go earn a paycheck. Can't wait until Monday!!!