Skittles assessments have already proven to be wrong regarding behemoths. However, it could be said that normal biters don't go near behemoths. Advanced ones (like Randy/TOWTM) seem to be able to make them coexist with biters.

I'm going back to my Burt isn't going to kill Scratch thing. Him surviving this and bringing himself even with the house as it were put Burt's survival back in play to me. I think he isn't out of the woods yet, but its hard to see how he goes now with the expressed reason for not breaking under Scratch torture.

The next time we see the Mallers, it's not going to be good. Not for our heroes like you might believe, but most likely the Mallers. They are small, weak, and have no place to go. They have no supplies, no place to hide, and they lost their cozy way of life because Scratch can't keep her knife in her pants and out of CJs leg, and Bixby's throat. The Mallers seem to be ok when they have groups to steal from/terrorize. Without that, they may lack a focus. Their time in this world is dwindling, and the zombies return to the storyline is the proof to me.

I saw back in the thread somewhere someone saying the double attack being coordinated. Remember that Irwin's attack is coincidental and caused by one turner in a group of survivors. The survivors ran to safety and brought the zombies. The apparent Randy led attack, while also coincidental to Pete leading them to the colony, is an orchestrated attack. Remember that behemoths, smart ones etc are new down south. The colony up against opponents they've never faced.