This if the first "meat"-less episode that I've really enjoyed. I still enjoyed it much less than the action filled episodes, but you can't always have action.

First off, I love Victor. Him and Saul are so bromantic. I can't think of too many other films where two dudes have such an enjoyable hetero friendship, maybe the Boondock Saints comes close though. Obviously CJ is in a tight spot. Her training keeps her alive, but we all know that there is more to being human than just eating, sleeping and staying out of harms way. Love always finds a way. It's clear that she has some feelings for at least Saul, but maybe there is soft spot in her heart for Victor too, but maybe it's more brotherly. Honestly, knowing what we know about KC I'm not sure at all what is going to happen with these love triangle. KC is the kind of guy to just kill off Lizzy in after the baby is born and then Saul and CJ become a major ass kicking item... Or maybe KC kills off CJ? KC, damn you, you reckless bastard.

I'm stoked that Pete and Glenn are gonna survive. I don't personally sense any double-crossing from these two, but once again ya never know. The Mallers can be very persuasive and they seriously injured Pippen to aid in his disguise. Not only that, but Scratch is a lunatic and Durai is a cold hearted strategist. I think Glenn has something important to contribute to the crew if they'd just let him speak.

As for the little ones, did I understand correctly that they "came back to life"? Wasn't Roman bit or killed, then turned into a little one, attacked them at the door, and then killed and then shot in the head (killed presumably) in the morning?