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  1. #71
    wh33t's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by cupcakezombie View Post
    I think you are pointing to the Nature Nuture thing in another way. I agree that the environment we are placed in does have an effect on how genes are expressed/turned on, but the genes are there from birth. Taking your blind example, you are saying if someone is deprived of light, the sight genes don't get activated, but if one of the genes for sight is not present, no amount of exposure to light or visual stimuli is able to change that. The environment can not change what is present.
    The difference between horses and humans at birth is also due to the environment and survival. While the ability of a horse to able to run and eat on day one is really important to its survival, there are a lot of environmental factors that will affect it's temperament etc there after. But neither humans or horses can change the colour their eyes etc.
    I really like this debate because I think it relates to the zombies/zombie types and how they develop. Especially in regards to the little/big ones and other types of zombies. Is the difference due to different strains or are there environmental factors causing some of them to get bigger (kind of like building their muscles.). We know that the smart ones were most likely smarter in life, but noone would grow as big as a behmouth. Is whatever causes zombieism causing the growth or activating something in the body that causes growth? Could only a certain type of person become a certain type of zombie? Was there something special about the guy who became a not so little one in the last episode?
    That is essentially what I am saying, it's not Nature Vs Nuture, it's both. Both environments play a significant role in your genetic development and your genetic development greatly affects how you react in a variety of different situations. If cruelty is a strength in your particular environment then you will receive a chemical reward in your brain from cruelty. That kind of reward mechanism is what is shaped largely in the post-utero phase of life.
    What I find really scary about the whole Zombie Apocalypse conceptual life style isn't the Zombies themselves, but rather the fact that we are now a species so disgusted with normality and society that some of us would actually prefer it" - Some Zombie Nerd

  2. #72
    Zombiephyllic's Avatar
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    I really liked this episode. I'm not sure how I feel about Scratch though. Even if her story's true I don't see her becoming this over protective mama bear for Lizzy because she's preggers. She's a ruthless B* and from what we've seen so far she has little value for human life. I could be wrong but lets do a quick recap here, she shot the guy at the mall to cover her and Latch's ass for loosing the tanker, sent a team of guys to the golf course to get slaughtered as decoys while she attacks the tower again, had them kill Hanna or dopple-Hanna, and not to mention the other stuff she's done under orders. I just find it hard to believe that she's protecting Lizzy and the baby without some ulterior motives.

    I'm getting really excited that operation Lizzy-Burt-breakout is gaining momentum. And I'm happy that it'll happen without help from fort Erwin. I would love to see them get in and out without a hitch but we all know that's not going to happen. In talking with friends we've ran down a few scenarios we think could be possibilities. We definitely think that there will be one or more colonists liberated during the breakout, Bricks being a strong candidate. In a "wouldn't it suck if..." moment a friend thought that maybe Lizzy and Burt will find a way to escape so when Saul and Vic get there, Saul is disappointed that his search isn't over. Then this thought struck, Saul, Vic, and CJ manage to infiltrate the colony, find Lizzy, Burt, and the SAT phone but Saul gets captured in the process. That would suck!!! Don't do it KC!!

  3. #73
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    Whoa...what if...

    Operation: rescue Lizzie goes off without a hitch...but nobody knows Burt is there?

    Maybe that's the straw that breaks bricks...hmmm..

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  4. #74
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    Quote Originally Posted by Zombiephyllic View Post
    I really liked this episode. I'm not sure how I feel about Scratch though. Even if her story's true I don't see her becoming this over protective mama bear for Lizzy because she's preggers. She's a ruthless B* and from what we've seen so far she has little value for human life. I could be wrong but lets do a quick recap here, she shot the guy at the mall to cover her and Latch's ass for loosing the tanker, sent a team of guys to the golf course to get slaughtered as decoys while she attacks the tower again, had them kill Hanna or dopple-Hanna, and not to mention the other stuff she's done under orders. I just find it hard to believe that she's protecting Lizzy and the baby without some ulterior motives.
    Could also be that Scratch believes Lizzy and Angel are an item and the baby belongs to him. Not sure how that jives into general history and experiences but if she's protecting a family member....*shrug*.

    And good on Kc for the accuracy of pregnancy. I understand everyone's is different, but I feel like Lizzy and Mrs. Voodoo are kindred spirits. Lizzy and my wife were on the exact same time table and when it came time for Thanksgiving/Christmas there was nothing she could do easily anymore. Remember those Crash Test Dummy action figures from back in the day? She felt like one of those because her hips felt like they were going to pop out of the socket at any moment.

    And those damn sonograms are hard as all get out to understand sometimes especially if the tech snaps a bad picture. We have pictures of our spawn (chuckle!) from the big sonogram and by god if you could make out any piece of it. We either got a picture of my daughter's head or she mooned us. We still aren't all that sure which.
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  5. #75
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    she's mooning you Nik LOL. Anyways, did anybody else get the feeling the Bricks is starting to fall for Lizzy. I have a feeling that Bricks is a good guy deep down. ( I think this came up before) And if push comes to shove,that he would take anybody out even if it's Scratch. That he will more likely help Lizzy and Burt escape in the end. Or am i reading too much in to the relationship of protector and protected. And what happen to the Doctor? he pissed off Scratch. Being the only doctor left I don't think you want to off him by any means.

  6. #76
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    To all that called the last part "meatless", suck it, there's plenty to digest in this part.

    At about 8:40, right after Lizzy gets the printout, is that a zombie growl?
    Funniest part:
    Victor: Hold on... Hey Glenn...
    (we knew where that was going) lol

    Quote Originally Posted by Privateer View Post
    I couldn't see how any one could bitch about nothing happening. We learned an absurd amount here. Like, mad. Its just a little... Unsettling to see Scratch as a sympathetic character, but ooooooh, was Lizzy getting into her head! I wonder if thats the only reason she's keeping Lizzy's kid alive. I was thinking that maybe she wants to make sure 'the family' keeps going by adoption, but letting Lizzy keep the kid made that idea less valid. But we're quickly accelerating towards Tink: First Blood, Part 2. And more Burt!

    Also- was a little concerned that Kc had made Angel a rather evil person, but then realized that Riley would have probably made a comment if Angel had been castrated. :P
    I'm sure Scratch has never lied, right?

    Quote Originally Posted by Penguine View Post
    First.. great episode. New crush on Scratch. So when do we get to learn her real name. Could it possible that Durai is the "older cousin"? I don't know, just a thought.

    Scratch is all hell-bent on her oath to kill Pegs, but Pegs is now in Boulder. How pissed is Scratch going to be when she learns that little tid bit of information? Will Scratch make her way to boulder to put a bullet in Pegs? That's a long trek from Cali to Colorado.

    I'm feeling sorry for Burt right now cause I am thinking that the old man is in for a serious ass-whooping. I don't think he will break though, I think he will revert to his USMC training and give name and SSn and call it a day. Just hoping that Scratch doesn't put a bullet in him. Maybe when the Dynamic Duo make it to the Colony they will spring Burt?

    So let's say that Saul and Victor (Batman and Robin / the Dynamic Duo - LOL) go down to the Colony and get the phone and somehow find Lizzy. Is she going to go with Saul? Right now she is safe with the Mallers and I highly doubt Bricks will let anyone/anything lay a finger on her. I think Lizzy would leave if she knew for sure about Ft. Irwin, otherwise I think she will tell Saul she is staying put.

    Saul and Victor are a great team. I like how they started off at odds with each other but have since come together and got each others back. Im thinking Victor has some tricks up his sleave, something a lot more then an insurance salesman. Maybe he is prior SEAL/Ranger/LAPD SWAT/something and just hasn't let the cat out of the bag yet?

    Maybe CJ should put her feeling out there. Keeping it bottled up and not telling Saul she is wanting to be with him. Crazy. Saul might have decided to stick with her, maybe take her to Irwin and skip Lizzy if she would just put it out there. Prolly not though.. Saul seems pretty intent on getting her back.
    Doubt Durai is the cousin, even with "the rules" I believe Scratch would finish the job and blame the zombies for killing him.
    No way would Lizzy stay, even if she's safe, she's basically in a prison. No matter what, she will go with Saul. Most likely though Bricks will go with them as her bodyguard.

    Quote Originally Posted by MenashaCorpse View Post
    OMFG - I'M DEAD!!!! Scratch put me down!! "Don't make the same mistake he did..." I can only hope I'm a slave in the fields..

    Kinda cool to get a callback/shoutout ;^)
    That's what you get for not fixing that hole Scratch put in Angel's head.

    Quote Originally Posted by nikvoodoo View Post
    Wonderful! Thanks! Fucking android...
    Dude, tmi, we don't need to know about your personal life.

  7. #77
    Zombiephyllic's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by werewolf View Post
    And what happen to the Doctor? he pissed off Scratch. Being the only doctor left I don't think you want to off him by any means.
    Oh yeah, I caught that at first but completely forgot about it. Wonder what he could have done.

  8. #78
    cupcakezombie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by werewolf View Post
    And what happen to the Doctor? he pissed off Scratch. Being the only doctor left I don't think you want to off him by any means.
    I think the Doc is out of the picture. We hear the dentist say at 6:14 that she is the only one here now. My thought is that he had some issues with how Angel died and tried to take them up with Scratch. Whether he is dead or on other 'duties' though, I don't know.
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  9. #79
    littleone8's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by nikvoodoo View Post
    My name is Nikvoodoo, and I approve ^this^ message.

    I like it. That makes a whole metric butt ton of sense, and it ties everything in together: Why Angel would recognize Scratch from the beginning, want to kill her without asking questions, why exposing his first name would be a big f'ing deal, why blonde boy-o gets under his skin so much, and his reaction prior to being killed.

    I don't think it was the father, maybe a brother of Angles.

  10. #80
    littleone8's Avatar

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    A few things:

    - We are for sure going to see Lizzy's baby used against Scratch.
    - Lizzy is comfortable enough around Bricks to yell at him. So there is some kind of relationship there. Bricks can kill a Zombies with his hands, so he will be a great ally for Lizzy if push comes to shove.
    - We are going to see a Burt rescue soon, and he is going to kick some ass and help Victor and Saul get what they were needing.
    - A Burt and Bricks team up??? Muscle meats Steal...

    Do you think the baby will be born in the colony or the the military base? I would put money on that the baby being born will be how this season will end.

    Will CJ help or hinder! SO MANY COOL THINGS. I still do not like Scratch. I think Angles family had something to do with her rape.

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