Quote Originally Posted by Cabbage Patch View Post
I have sympathy for Scratch, but I don't see any hope for her redemption. Leaving aside Burt, and the murder of various Mallers, the worst things on Scratch's slate are the ones that were only hinted at. The treatment of the Maller's "slaves". What happened to the Colonists under Maller rule. The short, and probably horrific life of Kalani's daughter, Hannah, from the time she was captured to the day she was executed to provide a "distraction".

Definitely a sociopath.
It is important to remember that even before the Zompacalypse, Scratch had done enough "evil" for her brother to believe she would be on death row if he had not taken the wrap for the crime. Further, Latch was held in a Federal prison. Federal death row is on par with Timothy McVeigh and the Oklahoma City bombing. Pretty heavy stuff. Pretty evil, unless there is some major plot device twist that she blew up a secret Raydon Labs manufacturing facility that postponed the outbreak a few years...

Maybe I did not run out of after all. But, this one is a full body suit...