Quote Originally Posted by Osiris View Post
Those are the facts as you see them, yes. Some of it is speculative, some is a matter of perspective.

For the record, the reason behind the war at the tower, the attacks on the Michael's group... the entire Scratch arc all hinges on one act. Burt shooting the mirror of the tanker truck in Scratch's first appearance in an attempt to assert his alpha dog status. Burt's ego got all of those people killed. Burt's actions caused Pegs to be hunted, Lizzy to be kidnapped, and almost raped, and CJ to lose her leg.
We will have to agree to disagree on that. Some of that is speculative. I disagree that it is perspective. Scratch torturing Burt is not perspective outside of you wanting to make an excuse for her. Her tormenting and murdering a innocent man to cover her tracks at the tuck yards is not perspective outside of gasping straws. Doctor Jason, Brother in Jail, that was indeed hinted at but not confirmed.

As for Burt causing the fight on ego.

I disagree as well. We know that The Mallers were slavers and making plans to take out Dunbar if needed. To say Burt not backing down to Scratch is what caused everything is nuts. You can say that the Tankers were theirs and by taking them started the war... but they also stole his guns from his shop. To say "Yeah.. Those guys that are slavers... murderers... rapists... and thieves would have just left The Tower alone if Burt would not played Alpha Dog" is crazy talk. What The Mallers are is indeed fact as well. Tardust tried to rape Lizzy..They had Slaves.... CJ had a file over them killing people for supplies... and they kidnapped and innocent girl and raided Burt's Place.

Oh... and they attacked and took over The Colony first chance they got. The Colony did nothing to them. Dunbar did nothing to them, but they kidnapped (and murdered) an innocent girl to plant a mole to find a way to take them out if needed.

So I am not buying the "Burt's Ego caused this". He may have alerted them when they went to the Truck Yard, but that isn't his fault. Based on what they did to The Colony, and planning on Dunbar, it would have just been a matter of time.