Quote Originally Posted by Red Shirt View Post
Let's see, just for fun... Let me get Excel out and turn off notation so I can understand what I'm seeing.

Assume upper case, lower case, numbers and characters equals 94 possible characters per password position of a thirteen character password which equals:
  • 94^13 (94 to the thirteenth power) OR
  • 4.47365 * 10^25 OR
  • 44,736,509,592,539,800,000,000,000

Possible combinations.

Using brute force "random" attempts to guess the password and assuming one attempt per second, it would take:
  • 1.4 * 10^18 OR
  • 1.4 Quintillion OR
  • 1,418,585,413,259,130,000 years

to break into those files... Whoa.
I think the universe will die from heat death before then.

(Even if you were to attempt one Billion attempts per second with a super computer, it would still take over 1.4 Billion years.)

I sure hope so.
Did your calculations take into account that Tanya eventually even pressed the
