Loving this podcast. It's so addicting. Can't get enough. I do agree with alexlinks, though Pegs and Hope do whine ALOT.
I've been wondering though....up to this point, why has no one suggested relocating to a more remote area? Canada, maybe?
Also, what's happening in other countries? I'd imagine Africa and much of asia would be over-run.

As far as remote locations, what about Naval ships? Seems they would have some sort of relief ships, or floating base of operations. I know the zombies can swim, as we learned when Michael, Kelly and Pegs were checking out the yacht. Plus, if the ships were out at sea, I highly doubt the Zombies could swim out that far. and if they do, it won't be as large a number as they saw on the yacht.

If I've learned anything from other zombie media, it's that big cities attract zombies. As the chapter title says, it only takes one in a big city to start things up all over again.