Quote Originally Posted by awkwardalex View Post
Listening again and I liked the "Found" reference.

Now I never watched Lost but...I do know it ended in 2010...and that everyone loves to talk about We're Alive not doing a Lost. Did I get a reference?

I also knew that when we heard Michael that the "Search Party" to LA was going to have some trouble.
KC has mentioned Lost several times on the boards, as well as in some interviews, particularly with reference to its inability to answer all the questions it raises, so it was more than intentional. Loving these jokes and references KC, keep them up.
Quote Originally Posted by nikvoodoo View Post
So that was a healthy leap forward in the chronology wasn't it?

I had a sinking feeling once I heard the attackers that it was the little ones, except bigger. Same basic sounds but deeper. Also same MO hide in the shadows and attack.

Very well done ladies and gents!
Yeah: so are the current events in Victor and CJ's timeline two-three months into the future? Well I guess it's the current timeline now - none of our heroes are in any current active plotline, as Victor and Saul retired to CJ's place, Michael, Riley, Pegs, Datu, Hope and Tanya (and Lady!) all have their destinations and duties very clear, Angel is dead (SO FUCKING SAD WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU KC) and Burt isn't really going anywhere. Indeed perhaps we should have predicted that we might see a timeline jump (apologies if you did Voodoo; I know you did mention before how we're going to see Season 3 really kick into gear now [like it hasn't been amazing these last few episodes? I hate you for Angel but I'll always love your work KC]). It did feel good to get the heart pumping again - that is something great about the audio drama vibe: you don't actually know what's happening, so you're far more on the edge of your seat than you are if it were purely visual.

But Nik, when did the little ones hide and attack before? I thought the attack on the Mallers' convoy was orchestrated by pinstripes, or have I just got that completely wrong? Scary how intelligent they're becoming. Interesting too how they're getting bigger - after all, I was wondering before what the hell the point of making these little ones in the first place was; Skittles never mentioned them being particularly fast or strong. Does seem like they're going to have an increasingly relevance to the plot though, being introduced bit by bit, first by Skittles, then a few chapters later by Lizzie, now a fair bit later here.
Quote Originally Posted by KillerOwl View Post
hmmm so they grow... what does this mean that they don't need food and if they don't do the normal ones do .... where's pin suit.. hmm and i wonder if they will try to get into contact with the others
Yeah I'm wondering what the food sitch is - after all if you think about it, they're their own worst enemy in terms of survival... oh god what a fitting metaphor for human beings. I wonder if that was intentional; well I guess if it was it would perhaps be more attributable to Romero than KC, but still, interesting.

Overall I'm really excited by this new jump - it's thrown all of Voodoo's predictions out the window; I wonder if we'll even see Michael at all. Maybe we'll see all three (or four?) camps. After all now we have a reason to see the people from Boulder, being that it has been all this time. Whatever, as long as there's more Victor. We want more Otto Sturcke!