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    wh33t's Avatar
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    Pin Inc/ink - "The Marked One" & Radon Labs & Prison Experiments

    Like many, I'm listening to the entire series again to be nice and current for January 2nd and I'm having some thoughts.

    I'm probably really slow to the starting line (perhaps at an imaginary race too haha) here but I realized that there was a lot of foreshadowing about Ink. I can't remember which episode it is but you hear a newscaster talking about some mental patient called Ink or something to that affect.

    Then we have Durai, the notorious other antagonist which seems remarkably in the know about how the Zombies operate (he attempts to kill the local Zombie HQ). From what I remember Latch and Scratch discussed how Durai had "plans" for the tankers which caused the conflict between the two groups of survivors. This conflict began well before we actually witness the attack on Zombie HQ indicating that perhaps Durai had known for sometime what was going on at the Arena which makes me think even more so that he's somehow much more in the loop than has been revealed to us.

    Is it possible that Radon labs, Ink, Duria are linked? Perhaps the ex-prisoners are much more in the know than we give them credit for? My general theory for this is the short reference to Radon Labs, my short but what I believe to be very real knowledge of prison experimentation, the foreshadowing of Ink and of course Durais' apparent uncanny comfort and confidence in this whole fiasco?

    Where my theory falls apart is that according to Kalani there was a Zombie outbreak in Hawaii too, possibly at the same time. So if that is true I can't see how any experimentation on the local prison population could affect Hawaii so quickly.

    So my theory needs more research. Is there any current thread where all of our "Ink" information is gathering in one place? If not I may have to start it here. Please feel free to voice your support/critque against my theory and also post Episode numbers and times in the episodes where Ink like information is revealed.
    Last edited by wh33t; Dec 2nd, 2011 at 09:02 AM.

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    nikvoodoo's Avatar

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    There is indeed a thread or two concerning Sir Pimp Ass Zombie. As this thread primarily concerns itself with the Mallers and what they know (specifically Durai) we'll leave it alone and let it stand on its own instead of rolling it into one of those.

    But for your viewing pleasure!

    Colored and Marked and Tattooed Ones Oh My!

    Isn't it Odd the Pinstripe Guy was alone

    Ink is a "good guy"?

    There's just a couple of the threads in the Zombie Theory Section concerning ye olde Pimpin'.
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  3. #3
    wh33t's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by nikvoodoo View Post
    There is indeed a thread or two concerning Sir Pimp Ass Zombie. As this thread primarily concerns itself with the Mallers and what they know (specifically Durai) we'll leave it alone and let it stand on its own instead of rolling it into one of those.

    But for your viewing pleasure!

    Colored and Marked and Tattooed Ones Oh My!

    Isn't it Odd the Pinstripe Guy was alone

    Ink is a "good guy"?

    There's just a couple of the threads in the Zombie Theory Section concerning ye olde Pimpin'.
    Excellent! Thanks Voodoo!!

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    nikvoodoo's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by wh33t View Post
    Excellent! Thanks Voodoo!!
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    Grognaurd's Avatar
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    Gamertag: slilckJoshua Steam ID: Grognaurd
    To add to this,

    Latch and Scratch and maller red shirt #1 (cant remember his name) are talking about the theft of the tanker and how He had plans for the tankers.

    A later plan was to blow up the arena. Are they related?

    Durai talks really smooth how many times have you said " Oh, come now" -- outside of the bedroom? ; ) He also has a lot of Charisma. Not unheard of in Max-Security Prison. But, certainly not common. Albeit that this is an assumption that Durai was there as a convict...

    Burt talks about the wall safe and said he had some of his best pieces in that wall safe and that he had a buyer.

    Saul's Mother was at the colony. Hopes Mom was at the Arena. In this story I do not think of coinicidence, I think design.

    Burt has some serious hardware. Life is not like a roleplaying game where you walk into a bar and meet five people that become your best friend in the whole wide world and then stroll across the street to ask the Inn Keeper where is the first dungeon and could you mark it on my map. As a survivalist, Burt could get the stuff. Alternatively, if Raydon is under an "Umbrella" megacorporation and Burt was connected in some way is another. Also, Raydon Labs has to be linked to something big with lots of "Labs" because the outbreak happens in many cities and international.

    Ground Zero is located in a really crappy (Real Life) Neighborhood. Raydon Labs is probably linked to ground zero. Lizzy thinks Saul's apt is a dump. Burt thinks it is the ritz compared to his. Why would a high end black market arms dealler (think Nicholas Cage in God of War movie) live next door to a crack house?

    In the first episode, the first zombies (Sorry Michael) sees have scars and bruises at 11:00 AM. Not long after the initial outbreak. Seems to me these are "Old Zombies"

    Ink is in custody at outbreak. Recently convicted. His family was shocked or devasted or asshamed or something. Maybe TOWTM = Ink = Jeffery Dalmer before outbreak.

    Lastly is more general. In good short story or episodic writing, there are very few throw away lines. There just is not room for them. To Wit:

    The first time we hear of evidence of zombies dragging away live and or dead is at what Burt calls One hell of a firefight. This (1) Links Zombies to Traps. (2) Puts in place pieces for Second Tower. (3) Reinforces that both Burt and Lizzy are damn good at shooting. (4) and most important for everything is connected... It is Raining. So, there is no way to track where the zombies dragged away the casualties because the blood trail was washed away

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    nikvoodoo's Avatar

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    Rain doesn't wash away blood. We had that conversation during chapter....22 I think? in regards to finding the gory mess at LAX. Had they not been chased from the area they might have been able to follow the trail
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  7. #7
    wh33t's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by nikvoodoo View Post
    Rain doesn't wash away blood. We had that conversation during chapter....22 I think? in regards to finding the gory mess at LAX. Had they not been chased from the area they might have been able to follow the trail
    It's possible they cleaned the blood up then isn't it? I mean they are setting traps, one of them can talk and possibly experiment and plan... Cleaning up a little blood doesn't seem like much of a stretch. However I'm not sure if you are trying to make a point or just clarifying.

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    nikvoodoo's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by wh33t View Post
    It's possible they cleaned the blood up then isn't it? I mean they are setting traps, one of them can talk and possibly experiment and plan... Cleaning up a little blood doesn't seem like much of a stretch. However I'm not sure if you are trying to make a point or just clarifying.
    Clarifying. Blood doesn't get clean without a heavy duty chemical cleaner. If it goes uncleaned, it gets discolored and stains. Especially going into cracks of the pavement would make it a nightmare to try to clean up.

    And I sincerely doubt the zombies carry around the industrial strength cleaner needed to clean blood off the sidewalk.
    ~Ra1th: Nik doesn't sleep, he waits.~
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  9. #9
    wh33t's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by nikvoodoo View Post
    Clarifying. Blood doesn't get clean without a heavy duty chemical cleaner. If it goes uncleaned, it gets discolored and stains. Especially going into cracks of the pavement would make it a nightmare to try to clean up.

    And I sincerely doubt the zombies carry around the industrial strength cleaner needed to clean blood off the sidewalk.
    I wouldn't think that the Zombies would carry it. But perhaps Ink himself might do something to clean it up. Or perhaps there is some other unknown entity(s) that we don't know of yet.

  10. #10
    Grognaurd's Avatar
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    I think the LAX was more about the Hydrolic stuff not washing away. That was my bad. I think the copter gore was limited to the inside of the chopper.

    But, Didn't you know the fire fight took place in the Rain. LOL, My post, my rules. It also muffled the sounds of the gunfire. Any posters or lurkers know about gunfire in a closely packed low level (less than 3 floors) urban environment? I live in the wild and even though the Skeet shooting range is more than a couple of miles away, I hear it. Ok, do not like that one? It started to rain shortly after or because it was raining, they could not see the blood stain on the asphalt (roads). IS there asphalt or is it concrete (sidewalks) out there? heck, where I live we do not even have side walks.

    Thanks for doing all that you do Nik!

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