Quote Originally Posted by Kc View Post
Originally Posted by airrunner
BTW, how did people feel about not finding out more about Ink's new creation? It very much felt like watching the "Return of the King" and never seeing Sauron make a reappearance in full force because he never got his ring back.
It's intentional for this not to be revealed in the story, it wasn't the right time. Unveiling something very fast at the end of the story just wouldn't give justice to what Ink created.

And that's all I can say.
I'm personally kind of glad that Ink's latest wasn't revealed in the finale, for the reasons that KC just mentioned. It would have been just too short of a time span to take it all in. We spent SEASONS learning about the Behemoths and Little Ones. When the story was getting closer and closer to a close, one of the biggest worries that I (and a LOT of others) had was that it seemed too close to the end to add new mysteries. What we got is more of a tease than a full-out unanswered question.