We know that Kalani knew a girl by the name of Hannah. We know that an indeterminate amount of time before his sacrifice, an event occured which gave him reason to tell Angel "That girl? That was my Hannah." Many speculate that this is the redhead whom the Mallers shot in place of Lizzy.

I propose something harder to back up.

We know that two Mallers, named Latch and Scratch, have appeared multiple times in the series. Upon Latch's death, his true name, John, was revealed. As of this point in the series, Scratch's true name has not been revealed. I propose that Scratch's original name was Hannah, and that both her and Kalani were friends, acquaintances, relatives, or lovers before the outbreak began, or else met at some point prior to Kalani's affiliation with the Tower. I also propose that he felt the need to point this out upon hearing Scratch via radio and recognizing her.

The following are assumptions used within this theory: That Kalani knew Scratch, that Kalani had not heard or seen Scratch before The Harder They Fall, that if they met after the outbreak, they became close enough for her to share her real name with him, that Kalani is not the rat as he has not been affiliated with Scratch, that Kalani felt that this would be important as his last words, or useful information to Angel, that Angel does not know Scratch's real name and thus was not well acquainted with her prior to the outbreak.

Can anyone offer evidence for this theory, or shoot it down with Burtesque accuracy?