Heya, I know I'm new here and stuff but I wanted to jump right into things and what I basically joined the forums for. So anyways I wanted to propose an interesting idea. You've clearly gathered the idea from the title so it's time to elaborate. I've worked with teams on indie games before but they always become inactive or something, regardless I figured the community here is somewhat small but active and hopefully talented.

What I have in mind is an old school top down pixel art shooter rpgish kind of game. I can hopefully offer coding as I learn it and possibly music composition. I use the program Game Maker 9, I find it easy and quickly adaptable and we could collaborate through drop box. Anyways, I anyone is good with sprites or artwork of somekind and can contribute or fluent in a code relevant to whatever platform we decide to use.

There's obviously alot that needs to be decided like how to incorporate the audio from were alive, that's if kc is cool with it, and game design specifics, character roles, etc.

So... Thoughts??