28 - Last Dying Breath

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"Last Dying Breath"
Chapter Number28
Number of Parts3
Written byKc Wayland
Episode Details
Part 1 Air Date4/2/2012
Part 2 Air Date4/9/2012
Part 3 Air Date4/16/2012
Characters in EpisodeSaul, Victor, CJ, Michael, Datu, Kelly, Pegs, Riley, Tanya, Kalani, Burt, Angel, Bill, Scratch, Hope, Pippen


[top]Part 1

The episode starts with Saul and Victor continuing to get information about Kalani from CJ. Their story merges with Michael and company's continued reading of Kalani's journal. In a combination of Kalani narrating and clips from previous episodes, the story continues after Kalani is rescued from the Arena and brought back to the tower. Kalani gives his brutally honest opinion of the Tower and the people in it saying they were led by "machismo army guys who couldn't tell their asses from a hole in the ground."

The story goes into detail on the 4th of July party that the Tower residents throw. Kalani fills in the story of what else happened that night outside the party that leads to the War. Kalani discovers Bill hiding all of the supplies and weapons/ammo that he stole. Kalani uses this information to blackmail Bill into giving up a rifle. Kalani then uses the radio (that Kelly taught him to use) to contact Scratch and the Mallers. He gives them information about the residents (esp. Michael, Angel, Saul, and Burt), about the party, and the lack of ammunition. Scratch gives him the order to cause confusion by firing his rifle at the ground after they get there and signal him. Kalani pleads with Scratch to know about his daughter, Hannah, but she doesn't talk anymore.

After a brief recap of the War and it's aftermath, Kalani talks about how he began to like the Tower residents and work with them. He doesn't contact the Mallers again and thinks that things are looking up and he might have a chance to get Hannah back. But then Pippen appears on the scene and Kalani knows that the Mallers won't let up. Kalani works out a plan to protect himself. He creates alibis in Datu in the Motorpool and Michael in the Tower and then creates a diversion by setting off the alarm in Burt's room. In the ensuing chaos, Kalani sneaks into the guard room where Hope and Pippen are. Using a suppressed pistol, Kalani executes Pippen (scaring the hell out of Hope) and cleans up the evidence leaving "no shell casings, no fingerprints" behind. Since he was going to LAX to work on the helicopter, Kalani figured he had time to "let things blow over at the Tower". Kalani then explains that this journal was his way of making sure that someone knows why he did what he did. And then it ends mid-sentence leaving Micheal, Tanya, and the rest wondering what else he had to say....

[top]Part 2

[top]Part 3



CJ: Who you gonna call?
Saul: Ghostbusters?



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