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  1. #51
    Raven's Avatar
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    I probably missed this on the thread if someone else brought it up but I still think Randy was a slow turner who helped Micheal in the water works. He was already infected and knew the end result but had to stay on his mission anyway. He ends up running into Micheal as the last of his humanity is fading and helps save Micheal like he was unable to help his other friends..... Tragic
    I only speak three languages-English, Spanglish and Sarcasm, If you don't speak at least two of them you probably won't get my humor anyway...

  2. #52
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    Ok I spent all day thinking about Skittles. I didn't initially recognize Bob Bergen's voice until Michael Swain listed him in the credits. On my re-listen I picked up that Bergen was voicing Duncan. It's tricky because Skittles odd pattern of speaking and usual nervousness really affects how his voice sounds.

    It wasn't exactly a mystery that Skittles came from the other Tower, Michael put it together in Chapter 11. His true name, Duncan, caught me off guard. The PTSD is making more sense to me. Duncan let in The One With The Markings, I'm assuming mistakenly, and thus holds himself responsible for all of the deaths that happened because of that. The burden of guilt, plus the sheer fear trauma, is what terrifies Skittles when Kalani even mentions the word tower. He also seems to have experienced some sort of amnesia. It is not confirmed or denied that Skittles forgot his birth name or just refused to tell Angel, but he went back to reserve base looking for a gun when he had been with the group that had already been there and cleared out the armoury. He should have known there were no guns left at the base, but he went anyways, because he doesn't remember.

    It is not hard evidence, since Skittles mentions remembering Kalani too. I don't think he is full blank slate amnesia, but the memories of who he was as Duncan are definitely muddled and with the exception of the most horrific parts, he can't recollect them very well.

    Also boo to anyone who thought Skittles was born crazy, I knew that he had been relatively normal before extreme trauma addled him.

    So excited for part 3!

  3. #53
    HaveCrowBarWillTravel's Avatar
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    I have spit in my eye. For those of you who've been here for a good while, you know that I've said (over and over and over) that the mallers were the ones who cleaned out the National Guard armory.. oh how KC likes to give it to me with both barrels.

    in my own defense (hahah) my theory was pretty sound at the time.. lack of knowledge about the other Tower. *did you guys buy that?*

    Anyway, when looking at the map, you had to wonder how one group was ranging across all points of the compass. From what we've gathered in the last two episodes, Tower 1 and the Mallers have been competing for resources since the very start.

    The Prisoners vs Prison staff theory is sounding better and better. Why? simply because of the timeline. Tower 2 came late into the game basically. The mallers and "Guards" looks to have all started recruiting and building at the same time with the same ferocity and mentalities. If the prisoners got out, then the staff had to have bugged out earlier.
    In the middle of all this is Tower 2, who's residents are just happy to have a place to poop in peace and everything else is an after thought.

    I think it's time to take a harder look at the timeline and place the locations/actions of our 3 groups.

  4. #54
    UndeadSweeper's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by Kc View Post
    Just getting over a bad cold/sinus infection. But I'm feeling better now. Thanks for asking!
    Infection you said?! I understand you are the Writer/Director, but *loading crossbow* we can't have any turners in this tower.

    jk Hope it goes away quickly. Get better.

  5. #55
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    In the same vein as what Crowbar was getting at: Did you notice that Kalani said the convoy arrived "just as planned/scheduled" or whatever. I said it earlier, and I'll bring it back up now: The other Tower was really well organized, but they are totally fucked in their execution. They had a set route, set schedule and it not only resulted in Kalani infiltrating their home, but it allowed TOWTM to ambush their other convoy and demolish them.

    A really long time ago I mentioned how the zombies attacked the threats to them first. The Other Tower was a definite threat. And the Mallers were easy prey (being in an open mall). The Tower was a perfect combination of size, and ambition to survive without too much notice. The Mallers and Other Tower obviously knew about each other quickly. The Tower survived unscathed for a much longer period of time.
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  6. #56
    UndeadSweeper's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by nikvoodoo View Post
    In the same vein as what Crowbar was getting at: Did you notice that Kalani said the convoy arrived "just as planned/scheduled" or whatever. I said it earlier, and I'll bring it back up now: The other Tower was really well organized, but they are totally fucked in their execution. They had a set route, set schedule and it not only resulted in Kalani infiltrating their home, but it allowed TOWTM to ambush their other convoy and demolish them.

    A really long time ago I mentioned how the zombies attacked the threats to them first. The Other Tower was a definite threat. And the Mallers were easy prey (being in an open mall). The Tower was a perfect combination of size, and ambition to survive without too much notice. The Mallers and Other Tower obviously knew about each other quickly. The Tower survived unscathed for a much longer period of time.
    Hi Nikvoodoo, I think you have it backward. The Conveys were the reason why the other tower was invaded. I don't think we give the pinstripe enough credit. We know he smart and they are organize and able to plan. Only the people in convey would know the locate of the other tower. Either the other tower has a rat that talking to zombie, unlikely, or they could extract the locate from a maps carry by the convey or force someone to talk. We already know that they have fun with prey. So why would they torture them for information as well?

  7. #57
    HaveCrowBarWillTravel's Avatar
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    The convoys signal movement. Our smart z's watched and learned as did the Mallers. When you don't vary your routine, you become predictible. First rule they teach you in Anti-Terrorism/Force Protection. 2nd thing is: Become a hard target. Make the enemy look for a "softer" aka weaker target. Leave at a different time, take different routes...

    In this case, it didn't matter. They'd already been scouted by both sets of antagonists.

    The first couple convoys and search teams had either been picked off by the infected or the mallers. We know they lost a couple and that the last one was most def beset upon by Pinstripe and crew.

    Tower 2 survived longer because they had less people and moved around sporadically. Thus making them harder to track. They sent teams out in 3s and 4's instead of a larger group.
    Normally larger numbers means better security (safety in numbers and all that) but it also means you can only move as fast as the slowest person or vehicle.
    T2's smaller teams were able to get out and get back quickly with varied routes. They flew under the radar for a good while until Saul led Scratch and Latch to them.

    My one question now is this:
    Since the Mallers knew when and where Tower 1 folks would pick up Kalani... how come they didn't know WHERE T1 was and just use it instead of trying to get into T2?
    You can't lead me to believe they didn't know the location of T1 if they knew most everything else.

    Nik.. talking about poor execution:
    Tower 1.. Chinwe and Shaun keeping the weapons in a different part of the tower instead of letting everyone carry. Stupid.
    Number one rule of guns is: have one on you.
    That is why they fell.

    Tower 2 residents were all armed or most were. So, even though it wasn't nearly as fortified, it was harder to take because of the readiness of weapons.

  8. #58
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    Quote Originally Posted by HaveCrowBarWillTravel View Post

    The convoys signal movement. Our smart z's watched and learned as did the Mallers. When you don't vary your routine, you become predictible. First rule they teach you in Anti-Terrorism/Force Protection. 2nd thing is: Become a hard target. Make the enemy look for a "softer" aka weaker target. Leave at a different time, take different routes...

    In this case, it didn't matter. They'd already been scouted by both sets of antagonists.

    The first couple convoys and search teams had either been picked off by the infected or the mallers. We know they lost a couple and that the last one was most def beset upon by Pinstripe and crew.

    Tower 2 survived longer because they had less people and moved around sporadically. Thus making them harder to track. They sent teams out in 3s and 4's instead of a larger group.
    Normally larger numbers means better security (safety in numbers and all that) but it also means you can only move as fast as the slowest person or vehicle.
    T2's smaller teams were able to get out and get back quickly with varied routes. They flew under the radar for a good while until Saul led Scratch and Latch to them.

    My one question now is this:
    Since the Mallers knew when and where Tower 1 folks would pick up Kalani... how come they didn't know WHERE T1 was and just use it instead of trying to get into T2?
    You can't lead me to believe they didn't know the location of T1 if they knew most everything else.

    Nik.. talking about poor execution:
    Tower 1.. Chinwe and Shaun keeping the weapons in a different part of the tower instead of letting everyone carry. Stupid.
    Number one rule of guns is: have one on you.
    That is why they fell.

    Tower 2 residents were all armed or most were. So, even though it wasn't nearly as fortified, it was harder to take because of the readiness of weapons.
    I think no one really know the locate of Other tower except the pinstripe and CJ. Since would've the Maller have moved there after it fell? The got word from Kalani that it fell. The Maller when to Tower 2 since they able to locate that one.

    In term of convey, I meant getting the people to talk not tracking the vehicle.

  9. #59
    HaveCrowBarWillTravel's Avatar
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    You're messing me up with Convey and Convoy so something is getting lost in translation my friend.

    Anyway, I'm assuming that since the mallers knew when and were to drop Kalani off, they would also know where the other tower is. They didn't tell him to find it, they told him they just needed more information on them.

  10. #60
    Adventureless_Hero's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by HaveCrowBarWillTravel View Post

    The convoys signal movement. Our smart z's watched and learned as did the Mallers. When you don't vary your routine, you become predictible. First rule they teach you in Anti-Terrorism/Force Protection. 2nd thing is: Become a hard target. Make the enemy look for a "softer" aka weaker target. Leave at a different time, take different routes...

    In this case, it didn't matter. They'd already been scouted by both sets of antagonists.

    The first couple convoys and search teams had either been picked off by the infected or the mallers. We know they lost a couple and that the last one was most def beset upon by Pinstripe and crew.

    Tower 2 survived longer because they had less people and moved around sporadically. Thus making them harder to track. They sent teams out in 3s and 4's instead of a larger group.
    Normally larger numbers means better security (safety in numbers and all that) but it also means you can only move as fast as the slowest person or vehicle.
    T2's smaller teams were able to get out and get back quickly with varied routes. They flew under the radar for a good while until Saul led Scratch and Latch to them.

    My one question now is this:
    Since the Mallers knew when and where Tower 1 folks would pick up Kalani... how come they didn't know WHERE T1 was and just use it instead of trying to get into T2?
    You can't lead me to believe they didn't know the location of T1 if they knew most everything else.

    Nik.. talking about poor execution:
    Tower 1.. Chinwe and Shaun keeping the weapons in a different part of the tower instead of letting everyone carry. Stupid.
    Number one rule of guns is: have one on you.
    That is why they fell.

    Tower 2 residents were all armed or most were. So, even though it wasn't nearly as fortified, it was harder to take because of the readiness of weapons.
    Burt was working his way towards letting everyone carry a gun, and that resulted in Carly and Simon trying to go it alone and that is how they wound up dead. Chinwe knew she needed strength of numbers. You saw how pissed she was when they lossed ten percent in that last convoy that got attacked (3 of their 30). She probably felt that arming everyone would lead to more desertions.

    I'm thinking the reason the Mallers didn't want to go directly to CJ's Tower and claim it as thier own was because they didn't know all the variables involved; I think they had an idea of where it was but didn't know it's exact locale, yet, and I believe they were uncertain of the number of people populating CJ's tower, how well they were armed, and/or what kind of people were in it (i.e. former prison guards, police, SWAT, etc.). A good reason they attacked and wanted to claim Michael's tower is because they knew these things. They knew the exact location of his tower, approximately how many people were in it, and that all thier ammo and food supplies had been stolen (thanks to the rat). So it seemed like the better target for them.
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