Quote Originally Posted by clem131 View Post
Ok, I'm officially crazy.
I got the "Eel" and the "foam finger" part, but here's what I pictured: Datu picking up a natural size reproduction of a human finger, which maybe was broken from a dressing mannequin made of foam or something, which had some eels attached on the finger end, where the nail would be. I mean, how weird is that. As for the word "Go" I could not fit it in this crazy picture and I thought it was something like Gold or something else. But it was too weird.
Then I remembered people in movies with the foam fingers at the stadium and I understood it was the giant glove thing, but I looked for "Goat heels" because to me it seemed more likely a sports team with a goat as a symbol than an eel.

Man, this one was tougher than "What about that nap?", "This sailor jerry has been teasing me" and Puck on the radio while hurt, combined.