Nice to meet you too KPCoyote. I have to confess that I haven't listened to Lockdown yet. I did listen to the first episode, then I decided instead of waiting another week, for the other episodes to release, I will listen to WA The story again, untill I have all the episodes of Lockdown so that I can listen to it all at once. (I'm like that, no patience at all hehe) Almost finished with The story - then I can sink my teeth into Lockdown (can't wait!) I don't have a favourite part, it's all my favourite. The action is so well done. Michael is probably my favourite, but I like everyone - even the baddies (almost felt sorry for Scratch at one point) Even the zombies are terrifying, not the soft-shell ones you get from the walking dead. I wonder if the creators of Were Alive will ever consider turning a book into a podcast? Happened upon a good one the other day (surviving the evacuation by frank tayell) I think these professionals here at Wer'e alive could do wonders with that one.