
This is an old revision of this page, as edited Aug 25th, 2011, 11:40 AM by nikvoodoo (contribs). It may differ significantly from the current revision.
Skittles' NicknameNone
Other NicknamesNone
First appearanceChapter 23
DepartureStill Present in W.A.
Sighted AtThe Tower
Special AbilitiesUnknown
Physical TraitsBushy brown hair, and beard

[top]Zombie Information and Background

Randy is a zombie that Michael seems to know on a personal level. He is first mentioned while Michael is in a coma following his arm surgery in chapter 19 (Hope tells him he was talking about someone named Randy in his sleep). He first appears in Chapter 23 carrying Tanya away while being surrounded by other zombies to protect him. Michael chases him and causes him to drop Tanya.

No other information is known about Randy at this time. Presumably by his actions with Tanya and being surrounded by other zombies to protect his escape, Randy could be additionally categorized as a Smart One. It is also believed that Randy is responsible for aiding Michael in his escape from the Water Works, which is why Michael does not want to tell the story of how he escaped and broke his arm.


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