Didn't see if anyone had mentioned it yet or not.......
But did anyone else catch the setup for Saul's attack/death???
Equipment got left at the hospital, Burt offers to come back and help, Saul brushes him off saying he wont need him he can roll it the rest of the way.
;( sad times in the kingdom!
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So, this big one walking to the hospital. It was not mentioned that he looked starved. He was described as "bark" covered, not Bone. Puck did not include tattoos in his description. Seems to me, this is not part of the same crowd as the ones in the Jail. Why would it be driven to go to the hospital? I have a slim lead. We were given several names from Ink's trial info. Austin McKibbon, Cohen and Nick something or other. We got info on the first two, we found Cohen's cell and got a name for arrow head.
So, Nick, Hmmm... It is interesting to note that he was part of the criminal psychiatric department. Where was that located? Say it with me now, Cain memorial hospital! Right where we saw this one headed.
The other interesting twist of all the possible baby names that Lizzy could choose, it was Nicholas. It gets curiouser when we remember that she went into psychology for her father...
Last edited by Grognaurd; Mar 6th, 2014 at 10:21 AM.
firstly, I sounded a bit harsh in my response. Apologies for that. It was directed more at the forum at large than you personally. Again, sorry
and aphasia was one of the first things I looked at as well. The great big unknown we have to think about is "what if ANY type of change occurs in the brain of those bitten?" any sort of change to the brains structuring and synapse firing, etc...annd what we know as aphasia can be thrown out the window. That's the point I've been trying to make. We can keep all things sciencey and logical up a point. The thing we have to remember is somewhere along the line, a hman becomes a -whatever these "zombies" are-...at that point its science fiction. So regardless of liking magic, supernatural,Sci FI, whatever...fact is...nobody has a zombie virus scientifically proven to work...and if they do
I need to shoot em an email...
I heard it, but I think it's more on the order of him planning something that he thinks could/would get himself killed--something to keep his family safe. I'm hoping he gets some information instead. KC doesn't often conform to the status quo so I am hoping. I enjoy his character and the actor so I would miss him lots. On the other hand Saul's shown excellent instincts before (like his Mom and dog were still alive).
What if he's attacked and doesn't change?
Last edited by Eviebae; Mar 6th, 2014 at 11:10 PM.
I've been meaning to mention my progress in that area
Actually, that's what makes an fungal infection like Ophiocordyceps unilateralis or a parasitic infection like Toxoplasma gondii so appealing. It explains the uniformity of response. Toxoplasma also might explain their tendency to group (other than being ex-humans).
You know, I thought Raydon was making body building stuff, but having a genius like Ink on staff seems way above body builder supplement level know how.
Okay, high icky warning: you know how they talk about the zombie eyes looking cloudy? A link to endophthalmitis which came up. Endophthalmitis can be caused by infectious or non-infectious agents and makes the eyes look cloudy.
Last edited by Eviebae; Mar 7th, 2014 at 12:05 AM.