Quote Originally Posted by Shaggers View Post
I forgot to mention this in my first post...CJ freaking straight up lied, like witch doctor said, just to stay in power. I was so happy when Michael started to call her out, thinking this was where he would expose her for being a terrible choice for leader. Then she gave her weak sauce awol bull. I just wanted to smack Michael. He's so bone-headed sometimes! He needs an Angel (lol GREAT name choice btw Kc, especially with how things have ended up) at his side to keep him focused on the big picture. I'm not an Angel fan-boy, but he definitely had his moments. He would have been like "woah woah woah hold up...the awol thing isn't relevant here, this ain't the military, and you just lied to cover your ass." Then he would make a wise-crack about her being Supreme Queen CJ. I'm kinda surprised Pegs let it slide as well.
Not surprising that CJ keeps doing what CJ has been doing all along. She lies or tells half truths or withholds information as it suits her needs/wants. In this case, she feels like the story of 2 people bugging out will undermine her authority/leadership and perhaps even induce more fear/panic in the population. She's not completely wrong in her thinking about how it could impact the Colony folks. But there are ways to communicate with people to let them know the truth and deal with it. But that's not CJ's style and may not even be within her abilities....

As for Michael, he has been steadily falling more and more under CJ's "organizational skills spell." Now he's not just complicit with the lies, he's actually been pinned with the blame. CJ has basically set it up so that if the Burt/Riley leaving turns bad, it's all Mikey's fault...

I like your characterization of Angel here. I thought back to Season 1 and Season 2 with Michael flanked by Burt on one side and Angel on the other like the old cartoon image of a devil on one shoulder and a angel on the other. With Burt and Angel not being around Michael is drifting.