I really don't think Riley is a lesbian. I just relistened to the first season all the way through and there are a few incidents that point to her being interested in Angel. Someone referred to her response to Pegs when mentioning she likes them tall and blonde. Pegs: "Like Angel? Riley: "Yeah, like him." Then when she was in the arena and they were washing each other off, she made it quite clear to him she was taking in the view. I think just because she's a strong, resolved woman doesn't point to her automatically not being into men. Plus, why would she not have just flat out told someone by now? It's not like the characters are in the 50's and would have to keep that kind of thing hush, hush. I mean they live in California too.
I at least hope she isnt' a lesbian. There would be something too cliche about having a token lesbian character who's also fairly tough. Plus Riley and Angel are my favorite characters and their time together in the arena (the whole ordeal) was my favorite chapter in the series so far. Out of all the romantic moments between the characters, theirs seems the most authentic to me.