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  1. #231
    Cabbage Patch's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Skeptic-all View Post
    Lets see... Hmmm... Well I am in a 22 story building in San Fransisco... Most of my co-workers are pretty lazy and only a few of them go to the gym with me. I(and a few others) are capable of out-running everyone if some runners showed up they would eat all of my chubby co-workers before getting to me.

    The "security" room two floors down has some batons and some tazers but I have only seen one security guard with a real gun... no I wouldn't be able to make it in time.

    The quickest way down would be the elevator but that would be flooded quickly and if the electricity goes out, well, I wouldnt want to be in there- except that this building has back-up generators... so maybe.. No the elevators would still be flooded. As a weapon I would probably take the fire extinguisher that is 4 cubicles to my left (or was it 5?) and there is also my keyboard...

    So I would take my chances falling down this 22 floor building and -after I land flat on my feet unhurt- I would have my keyboard as a back-up weapon and the fire extinuisher as my primary weapon. My plan is fool-proof!!
    You forgot to raid the break room for provisions. I would probably fill my pockets with stuff from the "honor system" snack box and grab a bottle of water, because that should be enough, right.

  2. #232
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    Well in my case I always have a little stash in my tiny desk drawer full of granola bars and Skittles!! Plus as soon as I land unscathed from falling 22 floors I would land right in front of the Pizza/Italian restaurant that is at the corner of this block. So I could just raid that, since zombies are more interested in people flesh and that restaurant(I am not trying to be mean or rude just stating the solid facts) Is not very good so it doesn't have very many costumers, at least not from what I have seen. So food won't be a problem. And there is a Toyota car dealership between here and there so transportation to somewhere magical and safe won't be a problem- except that I will have to threaten the clerk or manager with my keyboard in order to force them to hand over the keys!

  3. #233
    Cabbage Patch's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Skeptic-all View Post
    Well in my case I always have a little stash in my tiny desk drawer full of granola bars and Skittles!! Plus as soon as I land unscathed from falling 22 floors I would land right in front of the Pizza/Italian restaurant that is at the corner of this block. So I could just raid that, since zombies are more interested in people flesh and that restaurant(I am not trying to be mean or rude just stating the solid facts) Is not very good so it doesn't have very many costumers, at least not from what I have seen. So food won't be a problem. And there is a Toyota car dealership between here and there so transportation to somewhere magical and safe won't be a problem- except that I will have to threaten the clerk or manager with my keyboard in order to force them to hand over the keys!
    See if you can buy the car with an IOU. A Toyota is a great choice:

  4. #234
    GeneTwo's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by Skeptic-all View Post
    Well in my case I always have a little stash in my tiny desk drawer full of granola bars and Skittles!! Plus as soon as I land unscathed from falling 22 floors I would land right in front of the Pizza/Italian restaurant that is at the corner of this block. So I could just raid that, since zombies are more interested in people flesh and that restaurant(I am not trying to be mean or rude just stating the solid facts) Is not very good so it doesn't have very many costumers, at least not from what I have seen. So food won't be a problem. And there is a Toyota car dealership between here and there so transportation to somewhere magical and safe won't be a problem- except that I will have to threaten the clerk or manager with my keyboard in order to force them to hand over the keys!
    I live in the Bay Area too. If the zombie apocalypse were to happen on a Friday around 6pm ish, you could use the bagels and sourdough, bakeries leave on the street, as weapons. Stale bagels and sourdough should be classified as lethal weapons.

  5. #235
    Skeptic-all's Avatar

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    Haha Yes!! Perfect that could be like my ninja stars or bullets or throw them with a pretzel and licorice slingshot!! Thanks for that idea. MUAHAHAHAA! I WILL SURVIVE THE ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE!!

  6. #236
    Skeptic-all's Avatar

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    Yea... that is how I expect the car dealership people to act when they see me with the keyboard but.. Smashing there faces in with a keyboard would be more epic than and IOU unless... what I would own them were... A KEYBOARD SMASH TO THE FACE!!

  7. #237
    GeneTwo's Avatar

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    I would make my way to Mythbusters M5. Mythbusters HQ has everyting you would ever want (except food), cars, explosives, guns, cannons, swords, props., armor, and enough duct tape to cover the world twice. Plus if you cant find it there you could probably build it there.

    (How the heck can you make a picture bigger?)

    (Ok. Figured it out.)
    Last edited by GeneTwo; Apr 28th, 2012 at 09:52 PM.

  8. #238
    Solanine's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by Cabbage Patch View Post
    Let's think the hospital scenario through given what we've seen in We're Alive.

    During Phase One of a zombie apocalypse you can expect the hospitals to get over run quickly and early. No matter how, or where the outbreak occurs, some of the infected are going to end up being transported to the hospital, where they are going to turn and spread the infection. The first wave of zombies, whether they come in through the doors or they come out of the emergency room, will over run the hospital and in short order it is going to be picked clean of human prey. The key to survival during this phase is to find a good place to hide and secure yourself. I'd suggest locking yourself in the most secure room you can find (radiology labs, store rooms, etc.) and douse the approaches with alcohol to hide your scent.

    In Phase Two you can expect most of the zombies to leave in search of places where there is still prey. We saw this We're Alive at The Tower, and The Other Tower, where all but a handful of zombie hangers-on were gone by the time survivors searched the locations. Even Cain Memorial Hospital seemed to be occupied by just a handful of lurkers and malingerers up to the point that the zombie army arrived, presumably from the Stadium. This would be the time to search the hospital to gather supplies, look for other survivors and make your plans. Just be sure to arm yourself to deal with the lurkers!

    Sidebar Question, do the We're Alive zombies turn injured or sick humans, or do they just kill them? The only example I can remember of a "disabled" zombie I can remember is Cindy, Angel's girlfriend, who appears to have had two broken legs. And there's a strong likelihood that that happened either after she was turned or while it was happening. In a hospital scenario this is important because it could significantly impact the number of zombies that linger at the hospital.

    Phase Three of a hospital scenario would involve gathering supplies and preparing for the long term. A hospital should be a great place to collect supplies. We've already discussed medicine and medical supplies. We know that there should be a lot of food present in the facility, both for the daily use of the residents and shelf-stable emergency supplies. It should also be possible to find a supply of guns and ammo. Look for the hospital security force's offices, where you should find their spare weapons and ammo. You should check the Emergency Room, for the weapons removed from injured police during triage, and look for any places in the hospital where security force made their stand.

    If you plan to stay in the hospital it's time to pick a base of operations, fortify the place and stock it with the supplies you gather. If your plan is to move out then you need to acquire transportation and pick a spot where you can pre-position supplies before you leave.
    Hate to say it but the hospital would be a bad choice of long term or even short term survival. How ever clean it may look hospitals often have huge problems with cockroaches etc and of course have
    a respectable variety of things you NEVER want to catch. If Saul got shot in a hospital the way he did in the tower I would rate his chances of survival much lower. The percentage of the bacterial population resistant to antibiotics is much higher in hospitals. Although the operation could have been easier.

    And also other, bigger, most likely more bad-ass groups are bound to come along looking for meds. An aggressive man/woman with a gun is much more dangerous than a zombie in my book.

  9. #239
    Cabbage Patch's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Solanine View Post
    Hate to say it but the hospital would be a bad choice of long term or even short term survival. How ever clean it may look hospitals often have huge problems with cockroaches etc and of course have
    a respectable variety of things you NEVER want to catch. If Saul got shot in a hospital the way he did in the tower I would rate his chances of survival much lower. The percentage of the bacterial population resistant to antibiotics is much higher in hospitals. Although the operation could have been easier.

    And also other, bigger, most likely more bad-ass groups are bound to come along looking for meds. An aggressive man/woman with a gun is much more dangerous than a zombie in my book.
    All great points. And as big and sprawling as hospitals get they'd probably be impossible to defend with a small group. Guess the answer is loot the place thoroughly then leave for a safer base.

  10. #240
    yoyoyoyo15's Avatar

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    I think it would be better to just raid like a superstore for over the counter medicine than it would be to tackle a hospital. It's probably safer... Both getting and taking the medicine... I could see it very easy to over dose on medicine in a hospital as opposed to a pharmacy.

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