Yeah Hope was annoying this episode. However I have a thirteen year old step-sister, and Hope is supposed to 14. From my experience, she is a pretty accurate representation of that age group. I have had very similar interactions in real life: Her second guessing my every decision and doubting me, while I threaten to throw her out of the car to be eaten by zombies. So I am going to assume Hope was supposed to be irritating. Yay for KC's realism

This episode made me remember so much of my love for Datu. He still has that joyfulness that no zombie can devour. Can't help but smile when he finds all of the supplies in the car and how Datu's voice sounds so happy. Let us all bow to our king, King Datu the Resourceful. The cherry on top was when Michael mentioned that Datu was the only one who could fix the Pelican, the army engineers couldn't even start it up. Hell yeah Datu, I don't have the right words.

Plus KC does not forget things. What about Lady?!
I want that voice from Nostalgia Critic to go "Lady will live"
Unless Kelly and Pegs don't make it, or we catch up with them a week later when fresh dog was their only food.
I may have shouted "DUCK AND COVER" when the episode ended.

It is Canadian Thanksgiving today and I am thankful for We're Alive, it's wonderful crew and actors and this community to talk about the show with.