Quote Originally Posted by LiamKerrington View Post
What RPGs do you play? And what's your focus regarding books?
Have been a D&D and CoC gamer for a long time; recently I have started to explore Isaac Asimov and Andreas Eschenbach, both authors in SciFi.

All the best!
Thanks for the welcome, Liam!

I go from D&D and Pathfinder to oWoD, nWoD, anything in-between obscure and indie I'm up for (I have a very large PDF library in my PC at home). Active, I have a few tables right now: a GURPs (3rd edition) in a medieval low fantasy setting, a D&D 3.5 group and a Pathfinder one, both medieval fantasy. At the internet I play with close friends, mainly we use the storytelling/teller system to focus on... well, the storytelling aspect of the games. In those cases we tend to work on urban fantasy scenarios (outside the World of Darkness).

After WA, tho', I'm nagging my friends to play a survivor-kind-of game.

Regarding books, I stick with fantasy (urban, medieval, low, high, whatever), sci-fi and historical fiction, but I'm not strict with it and if someone tells me about something worth checking out, I will.