Earn Points

Insight Experience
Group Ranking
Earn Points

All Points for threads

Points for threads
How many points should be given for single threads?
x5 53
Points for Social Group Discussions
Points for Social Group Messages
x2 13
Points for tags
Points that are added for every tag the user puts on a thread
x.5 12
Points for replies to own threads
How many points should be given for replies to own threads?
x.8 190
Points for thread views
How many points should be given for views on threads?
x0.05 1,598

All Points for posts

Points for posts
How many points should be given for post made?
x1 67
Points for Social Group Messages
How many points should be given for single Social Group Messages?
x5 1,134


Points for vBulletin Blog
How many points should be given for a single Blogentry? Remember: Blog comments are treated like threadreplies and Blog views like threadviews.
x20 3,328
The Staff can manually assign points to you, for example as special thanks. Negative values are also possible.

All Points for user

Points for reputation
How many points should be given for reputation points?
x4 261
Points for reputation use
How many points should be given for use of the reputation system?
x2 113
Points for days online
Points that are added for every day since registering.
x2 739
Points for social group members
Points that are added for every Member in a created social group
x2 39
Points for friends
Points that are added for every confirmed friend a user have
x3 29
Points for visitor messages
Points that are added for every comment on a profile
x.5 17
Points for referrals
Points that are added for every referral
x25 43
Points for completing profile
How many points should be given for filling editable profile fields? (per field)
x10 0
Wiki Total Edit Points
Multiplier for the edit points the user have.
x8 304
Bughunter Total Points
Multiplier for the edit points the user have.
x10 26
We're Alive Points Total Points
Multiplier for the We're Alive Points points the user have.
x15 20
Likes Total Points
Multiplier for the edit points the user have.
x5 309
Grammar Points
Multiplier for the grammar-hammer points.
x1 0
Thanks Integration Total Points
Multiplier for the Thanks Integration points the user have.
x1 0
VBQuiz Score Average
Multiplier for the VBQuiz Score Average the user has.
x1 79
VBQuizes Created Total Points
Multiplier for the VBQuizes Created points the user have.
x1 1
VBQuizes Taken Total Points
Multiplier for the VBQuizes Taken points the user have.
x1 2
Experience 4.1.1 BETA