
This is an old revision of this page, as edited Aug 24th, 2012, 05:46 AM by LiamKerrington (contribs). It may differ significantly from the current revision.
Skittles' NicknameSuper Fasties
Other NicknamesNone
First appearanceChapter 5
DepartureStill Present in W.A.
Sighted AtThe Diner trap, Beach House, Arena, and more
Special AbilitiesCapable of running upwards of 50 mph, possibly faster
Physical TraitsNo description given

[top]Zombie Information and Background

Runners, while not uncommon, are not frequently seen in We're Alive. However, when they are encountered they are a severe threat to the survivors. Capable of running down a speeding car, Runners are not to be taken lightly especially since they are frequently in the company of Smart Ones or even The One With the Markings.

No physical description is ever given for Runners, but they are different than Regular Ones by ability even if they look similar, although they are described as 'looking different' when first encountered in chapter 5. While regular ones are fast, they aren't capable of the speeds generated by Runners.


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