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  1. #181
    Amisiel's Avatar

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    So would you try to make it work, or take the cowards way out?
    The wisest man I ever knew taught me something I never forgot. Although I never forgot it, I never quite memorized it, either. So what I am left with is the memory of having learned something very wise that I can't quite remember.

  2. #182
    Solanine's Avatar

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    Its a bit like asking a girl out, if you do it you might be rejected but she might say yes, if you don't she won't say yes.

    So in other words, its called the cowards way out for a reason!

  3. #183
    reaper239's Avatar
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    see you don't need to be a chef though, one or two books on food preservation and you can can make a small herd of... anything last a very long time. plus if there's workable ground you can plant some vegetables. that's not to say it won't be hard work, but if you are of even average intelligence you can make these things work well within the scope of your abilities. regarding offensive capabilities, that may be a problem, but even that can be worked around; a baseball bat doesn't require an insanely powerful muscle man to be a deadly weapon, same goes for any sizeable blunt object. see that's the beauty of humanity, if you cut them loose and remove some of the restrictions of overly invasive governments, they can do amazing things (no i am not advocating anarchy, i acknowledge that some government is required to maintain order, however to much leads to tyranny and oppression.) the human ability to adapt and overcome is stunning.

    edit: rereading this, i didn't mean to turn this into a political thread, but i will let my comments stand so people can see why my comments are what they are.
    Last edited by reaper239; Sep 23rd, 2011 at 06:19 AM.

  4. #184
    HaveCrowBarWillTravel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by aaronarturus View Post
    I do have a blue crowbar I named Cherenkov, and I do know a few stores that sell antique katana, so if I could make it across town I'd be able to get some blades. There's the police station about 10 blocks away, so if I could get into that armory I'd at least have a few revolvers. Plus I live on an island so if I could destroy all bridges or block them with cars I could seal off an area. But in all likelihood I'd be chewed up the second I got out of my house. Too many walking corpses to dodge here.

    You named your Crowbar? Sweet! LOL.
    I'd give up trying to destroy a bridge. You need crazy amounts of explosives and the training (maybe you are a structural engineer).

    I'd seal off the floor below and the floor above then go about slowly hunting any infected that occupy those floors. You might want to get Cherenkov a brother

  5. #185
    reaper239's Avatar
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    hey guys, i figured survival deserved a much more in depth discussion, so i created a group. if you feel like a deeper discussion on the actual act of surviving a disaster, check it out: The Survivalists

  6. #186
    Daddy Doom Bar's Avatar

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    Where I live is fairly out of the way. Its miles away from the nearest city, and the biggest towns around here wouldn't present too much of a problem. Plus, any kind of outbreak would hopefully start in major centres of population, so I think we'd have a pretty good warning its on it's way. Mind you, I suppose that's more time for people here to panic and start raiding shops.

  7. #187
    Cromulent Frog's Avatar

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    I've got a shotgun and pistol along with a samurai sword, machete, and other knives. I'd load up my internal frame backpack with meds, first aid, water, food that can last a long time, and as much ammunition I could carry. Then I'd throw it in my car and take my wife and dog with me to where I do a lot of freelance work. It's a secure place that requires electronic badge entry to get into the building. It also has back up power generators so power, water, and internet access (hopefully) would still be working. Living in Texas I feel certain I'd come across other armed people where trade and barter for ammunition is possible and our natural friendly nature but stubborn instinct to defend ourselves would allow me to form a strong, cohesive band of people to fight off the hordes.

    If that doesn't work I'll make way to get up to the rockies. A frozen zombie is a slow zombie is a easy target!

  8. #188
    Solanine's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by Cromulent Frog View Post
    I've got a shotgun and pistol along with a samurai sword, machete, and other knives. I'd load up my internal frame backpack with meds, first aid, water, food that can last a long time, and as much ammunition I could carry. Then I'd throw it in my car and take my wife and dog with me to where I do a lot of freelance work. It's a secure place that requires electronic badge entry to get into the building. It also has back up power generators so power, water, and internet access (hopefully) would still be working. Living in Texas I feel certain I'd come across other armed people where trade and barter for ammunition is possible and our natural friendly nature but stubborn instinct to defend ourselves would allow me to form a strong, cohesive band of people to fight off the hordes.

    If that doesn't work I'll make way to get up to the rockies. A frozen zombie is a slow zombie is a easy target!
    Sounds good, how remote is this work place (im thinking about disease).

  9. #189
    Teej's Avatar

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    1)If away from home, get home using my get home kit, which i always have, entailing:
    -CCW w/ 20rds 9mm HP
    -Enough gas to get home (always keep my tank this full when possible)
    -pocket knife
    -tactical flashlight
    -map including back streets
    -emergency kit with basic tools, enough food/water for a day, and minor first aid
    2)grab wife and premade bug out bag which currently is an external frame pack with the following
    -enough long term emergency rations for 3 days
    -fixed blade survival knife with attached fire starter
    -100 ft of 550-paracord
    -backpacking cooking set/utensils
    -sleeping bag and tarp
    -2 rifles, one shotgun, and a second handgun plus 100+rds for each
    -etc, you get the point, moral is, it is already ready to grab and go
    3)drive as far as possible out of the city and meet up with friends if i can reach them by cell
    4)when driving is no longer possible go by foot, already being able to hike extanded miles with a 100lb pack here is essential
    5)set up camp in places as remote as possible until final destination is reached, scavenging for replacement supplies where ever possible
    6)establish camp in remote wilderness location pre-decided upon and use survival skills learned from childhood to live as far from possible enemies as possible

    the secret to any good survival plan is that it is already in place because when the shit hits the fan you will not have time to get it ready then, regardless of if its zombies or economic colapse. "Luck is where preparedness meets opportunity"

    also a note to all those who plan on raiding a gun store: as an avid gun owner/hunter, most people who own guns (ie. gun store owners) generally would like to keep their guns in a SHTF scenario and are very skilled in their use to allow them to do so, picture Burt not locked in the bathroom and without the shakes... just some food for thought

  10. #190
    random_highjinx's Avatar
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    Currently, I'd probably be screwed here in Tokyo. There is really only two option. (well, three if you include suicide) But I'd either make a break for the US military base here and try to get myself onto one of the warships, or I would try to fortify our second floor apartment. But either way, it doesn't look too good.
    Welcome to the wonderful world of jealousy. For the price of admission, you get a splitting headache, a nearly irresistible urge to commit murder, and an inferiority complex.
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    All Hail Zombie Scissor Kitty!!!!

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