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  1. #21
    Chris Osborne's Avatar

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    I agree, I dont think Ink/Guy in the Pinstripe Suit is creating them. As mentioned above, he had issues with a simple numbered keypad. Granted he got it to work, but it took a few tries... this isnt someone/thing capable of complex genetic manipulation. Also, another hole in that theory is, are we to assume that he started in Hawaii and then caught the flight back to LAX and started it there as well? He may be the Yogi Bear of Zombies [smarter than the average zombie] but hes not able to be in multiple places at the same time. PLUS theres the theory that the zombie in the pinstripe suit is the mass murderer they mentioned on the TiVO clip they watched, "Ink". He went from homicidal maniac to geneticist/scientist AFTER becoming a zombie?

  2. #22
    Chesire's Avatar

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    The "Were Alive" Zombies don't appear to have the same M.O. as from the usual Zombie Dogma/Canon (like "The Walking Dead.")

    1. They don't physically decay
    2. Most show signs of typical organic animal behavior
    3. Seem to follow a hierarchy-(Possibly Hive Collective)-but appear only loosely connected
    The Zombies from the “Were Alive” appear to be less like the Zombies from “The Walking Dead” and more like the Vampires from “The Passage” by Justin Cronin.
    Read this-

    My theory-(in the works)
    1. “Ink” was a dormant Alma Wade but then created a limited psychic field in L.A. thus controlling a big enough portion of people under his control to take over via infecting the rest of L.A.

    -This would explain why Victor and Pegs had such hard time breathing while there was nothing wrong with the air. (Negative psychic energy)

    Hawaii Factor- While most believe Hawaii was “the source” of the infection we currently have no evidence besides testimony by Kalani to support it. I also believe Kalani to be the Mole but why he would lie about Hawaii is unknown.
    Last edited by Chesire; Sep 8th, 2011 at 02:17 PM. Reason: my bad

  3. #23
    JusticePain's Avatar
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    Well if the were really zombies they could go years with food, can't run, or talk. These "zombies" are all wrong!

  4. #24
    nikvoodoo's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by JusticePain View Post
    Well if the were really zombies they could go years with food, can't run, or talk. These "zombies" are all wrong!
    Yet oh so right.
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  5. #25
    Daddy Doom Bar's Avatar

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    My theory on the zeds is that the 'poisoned air' Victor and Pegs came across is a leak from some form of genetic research lab that went all Pete Tong and caused millions to become like zombies. They're not zombies, though. I'd say more like 28 Days Later style Rage Virus. Had Victor and Pegs stayed longer, they'd have become infected. Ink is a psychotic killer and as Burt says, what you are in life is the basis for what you're like as a 'zed'. Perhaps the mental hospital Ink/'the guy from the news' was sent to was a breeding facility for test subjects for the test that went wrong that caused all this. As they were testing, Ink got free, killed everyone and set the virus free. He's now leading the zeds as his criminal/psychotic mind has made him very clever (animalistic/alpha male leader-wise).

    Kalani is lying about Hawaii and is also the mole. He was in the first tower that fell from a mole (the mole being him again), and then ended up getting caught by the zeds. He was in the arena before Samantha, as she said she survived a couple of days, whereas Kalani got caught right away. Samantha never said she didn't know Kalani from the tower, it just seemed like they'd never met before the arena. Kalani went all silent as he was depressed/feeling guilty that the Mallers never came for him, but the other tower residents tried to rescue Samantha. When he saw a chance to get out via Datu's rescuers, he saw a way to mess their tower up and hopefully get back in with the Mallers.
    So the stuff about Hawaii being the source, I think is wrong.

  6. #26
    Daddy Doom Bar's Avatar

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    Also been thinking about the news report stating that there were riots in other major cities as well as internationally. This outbreak could well be some sort of alien biological warfare/invasion. It could even be a highly organized terrorist attack. A biological agent sold on the black market could have been released.
    Either would explain Hawaii being infected, as well as no help or communications from outside L.A.
    Also the explosions in episode 1 were strange. Surely if it had come to the army fighting with explosives, the reservists/Micheal/Angel etc would have been called out much sooner? But then the news report stated after the explosion about the riots, so perhaps it was a petrol station going up a la 28 Days Later. If it was the army using high calibre rounds or explosives, the news would have known that?
    Kalani said that the other tower brought some 'strange shit' back from ground zero, which could indicate alien tech/evidence.

  7. #27
    zorakid's Avatar

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    Since we know some infected have specialized powers, it could be that there are special female zombies that can give birth to new creatures. Imagine a queen zombie that turned from a pregnant women. The "little ones" could have been produced by a queen zombie.

    Also another related idea, which is rather crude... is the idea that special zombies can impregnate normal women to produce zombies, or turn them into queen zombies. I know this sounds really messed up but isn't unimaginable based on what happens in the animal and insect kingdom.

  8. #28
    Anhysbys's Avatar

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    "Kalani is lying about Hawaii and is also the mole. He was in the first tower that fell from a mole (the mole being him again), and then ended up getting caught by the zeds. He was in the arena before Samantha, as she said she survived a couple of days, whereas Kalani got caught right away. Samantha never said she didn't know Kalani from the tower, it just seemed like they'd never met before the arena. Kalani went all silent as he was depressed/feeling guilty that the Mallers never came for him, but the other tower residents tried to rescue Samantha. When he saw a chance to get out via Datu's rescuers, he saw a way to mess their tower up and hopefully get back in with the Mallers.
    So the stuff about Hawaii being the source, I think is wrong."

    This makes sense, Kalani had been at the other tower for such short of a time he probably had managed to work his way up the hierarchal ladder most likely in state there and managed to act as a Mole for the zombies that broke in with Ink! I do think he is lying about Hawaii, but for other reasons. Kalani just doesn't fit as the high collar criminals that are in Eastern Bay, he's too... he gives into other people's wills to easily. It also figures that Kalani doesn't know Samantha from the tower and vice versa, because as stated above Kalani was new to the tower and Samantha wasn't probably staring at every survivor to come in and memorizing their names since the tower was fairly larger than Michael's too. He wasn't just silent he was unmoving and slightly comatose, and why would he feel guilty the mallers never came for him if he was captured and the Other Tower members tried to get Samantha. The mallers never showed up at the other tower, they have a common tactic of surrounding the building completely (as every time they've surrounded Michael's tower when they came) so nobody would get past. It was just Ink and his zombie crew that invaded the other tower. People wouldn't act as moles for the zombies.

    Zora, cross-impregnation over species hardly ever happens, in nature, in the animal or insect kingdom. Cross impregnation usually leads to the offspring being barren. Besides a queen zombie would have control over all others and Ink doesn't seem to me like all that motherly. Although the special zombies impregnating normal women seems creepy it's highly improbable. The zombieism spreads through bodily fluids, that would include semen and sexual activity. That and the zombies wouldn't know the first thing of zombie baby care, what to feed it and how to change infected diapers all that jazz. Not including their bodies probably wouldn't be able to support the childbirth, the first pregnant women would've been the not so changed feeders we have already seen, they would take multiple hits to the stomach with pretty much anything a survivor could hold and probably the baby would be stillborn. We've also seen zombie physiology is different, blood doesn't flow as strongly through them and serves less of a purpose, the effects this would have on a developing fetus would be disastrous and that huge change in their growth wouldn't help. I highly doubt the zombies could reproduce from what we've seen. Although I can see a smart one walking into a safehouse with a box of rotting ice cream, then has a chat with a pregnant, ending with him sighing and leaving to search for another craving.

  9. #29
    aliens, they might be a part of it...!!

  10. #30
    nikvoodoo's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by minty View Post
    aliens, they might be a part of it...!!
    ....I thought I heard someone kick over a crystal skull....
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