If you're not on Chapter 10, there are some spoilers... You were warned.

Datu is an interesting character. There are a lot of things about him that I love, but there are also a bunch of things I hate about him. He's innovative and funny, but he's kind of a wuss. I love how he is a glass half-full type of guy, but he doesn't give himself enough credit.

I like how he seems to be religious (when he tells people to pray, and how he references purgatory... Go Catholics!), but since he's from the Philippines, he should be WAY more religious! His accent is easy for me to understand (my mom and dad are both from the Philippines - my dad's even from Luzon!), but what throws me off is that it sounds like he's reading when he talks. The pauses don't seem natural, and it seems robotic.

I'm only on Chapter 10 so far, but for me, the funniest thing about Datu to date is when the zombies were taking him away. When he said that they weren't biting him, it kind of sounded like he felt cheated! Some other things that crack me up are how WA does the whole "Asians can't drive" stereotype, his being shy around women (like around Samantha in Chapter 10), and whenever he decides to put his foot down and be assertive.

I really hope that Datu becomes more battle proficient. What're your thoughts on this character?