Quote Originally Posted by Kc View Post
1. You can send it to kc@zombiepodcast.com
2. We post the notices in places kept secret. Most of the time we'll do it so fans don't have any hints or misleadings to what's going on. I'm more than happy to receive ranges of stuff someone can do. Keep in mind we like our actors coming into a studio to be directed. It's just a personal pref. Also makes sure the quality and fidelity matches for each mic.
3. It's not easy to direct from far away. I've done it, and with decent results. Bob Bergen is a BIG exception because the guy is a super-pro level voice actor. I give him half a direction and he's able to run with it. Matching energy levels is near impossible and you also limit other actors by not having that interaction.
In other words, send me your stuff and your recording quality and I'll keep you in mind
Thanks KC.

New Q (It's never ending! Why did you agree to do this you silly man?!)

Question: How much of a break are you going to be able to give yourself before getting back into the writing of the show?

(side note: oh please do a 4 season run!)
