So we're about 2.5 episodes deep into We're Not Dead (I say 2.5 because of last week's failed episode) and it's about time we start getting more of you involved in the podcast. A lot of you are involved already by sending us questions, comments and contest submissions via email, but I think we can open up more ways for you guys participate.

Option #1: Some people have recorded their questions/comments and have sent them to us in MP3 form. It's so much more fun than reading an email (though we still appreciate those!). So feel free to record your lovely voice and send your thoughts our way to

We want to open the podcast up to listener call-ins. Currently, this is a little tricky as it would require the caller to record their own audio track while talking to us on Skype (I have yet to find an amazing Skype recorder that doesn't crash every 10 minutes) but it is doable. If it's something you're interested in doing, send an email to and I'll fill you in with more info.

If you initially applied to be the We're Not Dead co-host, you'll get first dibs at guest-hosting an episode with Greg and I. I still have your emails, so don't try to pull a fast one on me! Because not all dumbs are blonde! So yes, if you're still interested send me another email and we'll try to get you scheduled for a week.

And that's all I can think of at the moment...OOH! Don't forget to send us your fan art. There's a new contest up 'n running. I even drew Michael.

Go ahead, laugh. Kc already told me he looks like a plant.