There's the full HD version of our campaign video.

For those of you wondering what the campaign is all about, check it out here:

We need your help and support on this one. If we don't make our goal, we won't be able to create the story, so all the help you can give, helps!

And this wouldn't be a forum without some juicy tidbits of new info. For that, here's the list of characters in the story:

  • Mark Dykstra - Head Correctional Officer for Transportation Block at Twin Towers Jail. Cynical, defensive, and by-the-book, Mark is responsible and headstrong.

  • Danielle Tyneker - Assistant correctional officer for Transportation Block at Twin Towers Jail. Forgiving, good-natured, idealistic, and unsuspecting. She's strong, but conscious of her own limitations.

  • Gavin - IT administrator for Twin Towers Jail. Once a guard, Gavin brings years of practical experience from both a guard and administrator perspective. He’s confident, tough, and doesn't show a hint of aging.

  • Bogart Harris - Inmate - Energetic, fun-loving, and relaxed. Religious, but also modern with his beliefs. Musical, and sometimes freestyle raps.

  • Jodi Lane - Inmate - Charged with computer-related crimes, petite, cocky.

  • Chuck Miller - Inmate - White collar criminal who's been serving a sentence unequal to the crime committed. Bitter, older, caustic, smartass.

  • Jeremy Andrews - Inmate - The smooth criminal. Mysterious, fearless, atheist. Selfless and headstrong.

  • Fredo Brazoria - Inmate - The beast of cell block eight. Hardened Mexican gang enforcer. Incredibly selfish, strong, rough, and quiet. Massive in size and presence.

  • Simeon Ekland - Inmate - The narrator of the story, petty criminal.