Quote Originally Posted by Shaggers View Post
So...I know this is late and the next chapter is already done, but I just now finished 37-3 and just had to vent a little.

I have never had a character in a story go from my absolute favorite to absolute most hated so fast. CJ really showed her true colors this episode. And all the people from the colony and boulder (I'm assuming those are the 2 main groups who "voted" CJ into "power") really showed how stupid they are. I mean really? I know she's a great planner and all that, but you're going to vote someone into power who just lost their leg? Do you realize how emotionally traumatizing (as well as obviously physically traumatizing) that is? You really want someone going through that to lead you right now? Dumbasses. And even apart from that, CJ is a terrible leader. Now I see how Dunbar fell in the first place. You're going to kick two of your strongest out because they had manipulate you emotionally because you're too much of a bitch to help in the first place? Way to let your emotions rule you CJ. I don't care what she's going through emotionally right now, being such a good planner she should know better. AND THEN she has the nerve to think Micheal is going to want to help her now? As soon as he finds out (He doesn't know yet, right? I don't think he does, but I was already kinda fuming at this point lol so I wasn't paying the most attention) he's gonna be like "Uh...see ya." Or there's going to be a major power struggle. I would like to hope that if someone points out all these flaws to the people who want CJ in power they will see why they're wrong but idk...they should be able to see that without anyone pointing it out so maybe they're hopeless anyway. I say f*** 'em and the original crew plus the other military guys go and do things up right at Dunbar.

Whew...that's the end of my rant lol. Just had to get that off my chest. Now I'm gonna listen to the next chapter and Kc will probably make me feel stupid for what I've said here. Or maybe I'll feel validated. Either way...damn good story Kc, I've never been this emotionally involved in a fictional story or the characters within.
Oh boy are you gonna feel so conflicted after the next 3 episodes....