It has nothing to do with the Audio or Book form of WWZ, it's horribly written and researched. Each character sounds the same, and when he has any story that deals with the military it's obvious that he couldn't even be bothered to look at Wikipedia even let alone talk to someone who was in the military. The Military jargon is completly wrong, no one in the Military has ever refered to grenades as "'nades", the tactics are wrong (ie The Battle of Yonkers) and the way that the chain of command works is wrong. The military has plans on how to aid civilian authorities in an outbreak of non-fictional diseases and could have erred on the side of treating the zombie outbreak like a flu pandemic but it is borderline offensive to think that the Military is so insanely incompetent that it would treat the infected like the Russians pouring out of the Fulda Gap (if a higher-up told some Joe to build a fighting position with overhead cover to defend against Zombies he'd be told to "fuck-off"). I'm pretty sure Brooks hasn't even watched a war movie he was so off base about things.