!!SPOILERS AHEAD -- LISTEN TO PODCAST BEFORE YOU COME HERE!! Hola friends! We’re Alive! We’re back! It’s been a few…. months. Oh yeah I know what I said last entry, but I’ve been up to something since the S2 finale and it took over my life! But it was all worth it because after 35 months in a dragging economy I can finally rejoin the ranks of the employed! Hooray for finding ...
As this is my fortieth blog, I felt it was a milestone for me and I wanted to do something special. I’ve invited two of my dearest friends on this forum 7oddisdead and Reaper239 to join me in starting a series we’ll call for now Survivor skills for an Apocalyptic Age. (Subject to their input) I’ll start the ball rolling with one of my unique hobbies which in the end of modern civilization will become very useful. I can spin. No I’m not talking about spinning in a circle I’m talking ...
Well, here we are once again, Ladies and Gentlemen. The second anniversary of the Great Forum Switch of 2011, when Kc trudged his way through the muddy, deep and depressing forums of old to choose vBulletin as an upgrade. In this year, plenty of great events have taken place. Live-streams, a live-read through, and another excellent season of We're Alive: a Zombie Story of Survival, also certain people got engaged. But, unfortunately there has also ...
Updated Jan 29th, 2013 at 03:38 PM by Wicked Sid
Hello, once again Ladies and Gentlemen. Here we have arrived, another full revolution around this great fusion reactor of a life-giver we call Sol. January 21st, the day when Kc threw down the chains of oppression called Ye olde forum of Olde and evolved to the vBulletin ways. Yearly news: Some people who were once engaged are now married! The forum has been upgraded, again, and the staff roster has been added to. However, there is always ...
After the fire got going (before it went out the last time) Chris declared it was time for food. We'd planned on not eating anything we couldn't catch or forage for. I feel this change of plans was an act of mercy for me. I'm horribly green yet in the art of survival. I was already feeling the affects of the extensive exercise and lack of food and water. I was shaking and sweating. So after the food and entertainment Titus and ...
Updated Mar 28th, 2014 at 12:49 PM by yarri