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The Voodoo Lounge

  1. Voodoo Lounge- Chapter 26 Wrap Up (CONTAINS SPOILERS)

    Oh me oh my........well.......wasn't than an interesting development??!!

    My apologies for not giving you the chance to vote this last time. Again, I was really really crunched on time when posting the predictions and it wasn't until after part 2 posted when I realized....."Well crap......" but I promise this next time will be better. After all, I'll have eons of time to get the vote up what with ...
  2. Voodoo Lounge: Chapter 26 Predictions (CONTAINS SPOILERS)

    After last chapter, I'd say this is the time to regroup, reset my jaw, and attack chapter 26 with vigorous logic and determination. Usually, I start this blog post Monday night of Part 3's release and then I'll edit and tweak for about a week until the next Monday arrives....However by having the next sentence you'll know I'm cramming to get this in under the wire....

    .....Damn shame about your ...

    Updated Jan 23rd, 2012 at 06:47 PM by nikvoodoo

    The Voodoo Lounge , The Voodoo Lounge
  3. Voodoo Lounge: Chapter 25 Recap

    Another Chapter is in the books, and this is just about as bad as I've ever done. Ever. But it's to be expected. It's very hard to figure out exactly where the story is going to go off the Season ending Cliff Hanger. Yes we had thoughts and ideas, and of those ideas happened to very much come to fruition....but hey. There were people that predicted that Tim Tebow and the Broncos would beat the New England Patriots last weekend.

    Those people were just plain out and out ...
  4. Chapter 25 Predictions!! (Contains Spoilers)

    Before we get started with the blog as you know and love it: Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, happy Kwanza etc etc. I hope you had a wonderful time with family this weekend, and that Santa brought you all the zombie survival gear you will ever need.

    The wait is nearly over. The reason Monday's were created is returning. ...

    Updated Dec 26th, 2011 at 09:16 AM by nikvoodoo

    The Voodoo Lounge , The Voodoo Lounge
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

Name:	rio-voodoo-lounge-martoranos-009.jpg 
Views:	3199 
Size:	176.8 KB 
ID:	1426  
  5. The Voodoo Lounge Returns......Soon!

    Click the title to open the post. Epic is contained within and won't preview on the Blog homepage.

    The Voodoo Lounge Returns......Soon! from Nikvoodoo on Vimeo.

    P.S.- Just in case you weren't aware, I'm only slightly an egomaniac.
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