Unanswered Questions

This is an old revision of this page, as edited Jun 14th, 2011, 09:59 AM by Grognaurd (contribs). It may differ significantly from the current revision.
Various Questions that have come up in the series, and still don't have an answer. Please keep them in chronological order.

How did the outbreak start?
  • Could happen in rings around certain areas in cities.
  • Happened in islands like hawaii where they differed from the zombies at the tower.
  • Couldn't have been random as it happened in several different areas all at the same time.
  • The area around Inglewood is known as "Ground Zero" and is thought to be where the outbreak originated.

How do the zombies decide between turning a human or using them as food?
  • At a store during the first supply run, half of the bodies were human while the other half were infected.
  • A pile of infected bodies were kept outside of the arena.
  • Inside the arena there was a pile of human remains used as food.

Why doesn't Pegs want to use a gun?

Where did the different types of zombie come from?
  • One of the little ones had a tattoo of the number 5 on its hand (Chapter 21)
  • Several characters say that they don't seem like the different types were ever human

Why does Scratch recognize Angel?
  • Angel wanted to simply kill her and Latch when they first arrived at the Tower.
  • Scratch uses military language in Chapter 21

Why did Riley go on the mission to the pumping station and to follow the trackers?
  • Riley writes in her journal that she was kicking herself for volunteering, but deep down she knew why she did. (Chapter 8)

What happened to Michael at the pumping station?
  • Michael always avoids answering that question which implies he is trying to hide something.
  • Michael says his arm was "crushed in a doorway" (chapter 18, part 2)

How did Skittles survive without being captured by the zombies?

What exactly happened in the Arena?

Who tipped off the Mallers with the radio?
  • Kelly tried to organize the first mutiny
  • People were in talks about somebody else taking over
  • Shots were fired from a 3rd floor window, which ended negotitaions between the tower and the mallers.
  • Bill stole supplies from Riley's Shop and Burt's Gun Store
  • Bill had a rather eerie moment when the Mallers showed up. He said that the party didn't have to stop just because the lights were out and then laughed a rather creepy laugh
  • Bill shouted an invite (when possibly drunk) from a window for the Mallers to join the party
  • Although Michael and Burt defended Bill for "fighting alongside them 'til the bitter end", Bill never actually fired a shot against the Mallers. He was killed in a pipe bomb explosion shortly after coming down with his shotgun
  • Bill's last words were "I'm sorry"
  • Scratch says in conversation with Tardust that there is someone already there, but they haven't responded for a while.

Where is the other tower located?

Were there survivors living on the Yacht?
  • There was a boathook onboard, which could mean there was a smaller boat in tow.

How does Angel know how to hotwire cars?

Why was the big one at the Army Reserve Center dying?

What was the slime on the crate of M.R.E's?
  • Could be something to do with the little ones on the roof

Who is Randy?

Is Marcus dead?
  • Victor assumes that he is after the guardians return to their posts.

Why do the Mallers need Slaves?

Why is Lizzy sick?
  • There is a theory that she could be pregnant, and is having morning sickness.

Why does Scratch want to keep Lizzy alive?
  • Scratch changes her mind as soon as she finds out that Lizzy is sick.

Who does Scratch mean when she says "we still have her"?
  • In Chapter 20-3 Tardust asks "what about the other one" to which she replies "we still have her"?

Where did the mallers go?

What weapon did Latch take out of the safe?
  • Scratch takes the weapon in Chapter 21-2, saying "I don't want to use it unless we have to."

Did Lizzy, Tardust and Bricks survive the explosion?

How did the Jolly Green Giant get shot?

Who shot Pippin and the radio?
  • A silenced weapon was used, a silenced pistol seemed to be missing from Burt's bag.

How does Victor know about the zombies smelling them, when Tanya says the colony doesn't know about sweat?

Why does Ground Zero make people feel sick?

For a detailed discussion on the traitor see the blog: Tower-gate


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