30 - Short Term Memory

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"Short Term Memory"
Chapter Number30
Number of Parts3
Written byKc Wayland
Episode Details


[top]Part 1

Part one starts with Saul narrating into his journal. After 5 months his image of Lizzy had faded into an outline. His IV drip is over. With CJ’s planning and Saul and Victors execution things have been going good. Then Saul went back to November 27th when things started to get crazy. While Victor has problems dealing with the chickens Saul finally admits that he has been letting cats into Victors room to shit on his Bed. They argue about what to watch that night. Victor wants to watch the TV show “Found” but Saul says it sucks because it was never finished, and if it was the ending would be screwed up. They call CJ on the secured police line to tell her they are returning to Dunbar Apartments. Saul then suggest that they watch some Anime. Victor says it sucks but Saul says that CJ liked it. Victor suggests that CJ likes Saul not the anime, giving the first hints that CJ wants Saul. They spot a Chinook twin rotor helicopter drop off a team in the distance. They let CJ know that they are going to track down the team from the helicopter. After tracking the team for 6 days something happened.
The Narration switched to Michael telling what he think happened by piecing together from several accounts, it’s Important to understand how it happened and how it changed everything.

The helicopter was late so the field team was working on finishing maps when they heard the squeak of a little one. The helicopter is getting close but they are afraid the flare will attract the zombies. As soon as the flare goes up the zombies attack. The skinny ones won’t die and the guy with the map (Fowler) is killed. Long goes back for the map and a little one jumps on her back breaking. Her crew members drag her on to the chopper and they take off right before Saul and Victor get there.
Saul wants to inspect the body immediately before the zombies take it away. Saul takes his night vision goggles, his back and rips his unit patch off his uniform. Victor spots a #12 on one of the zombies, and comments the little ones aren’t so little anymore.

[top]Part 2

[top]Part 3






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