21 - Mark of the Beast

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    | name ="Mark of the Beast"
    | chapternum =21
    | numparts =3
    | image = [file]ch21polo.jpg|center|Chapter 21[/file]
    | narrator =
    | places =
    | part1 =4/25/11
    | 1rt =
    | part2 =5/2/11
    | 2rt =
    | part3 =5/9/11
    | 3rt =
    | part4 =
    | 4rt =
    | origtitle =
    | writer =[wiki]Kc Wayland[/wiki]
    | artist =
    | audioedit =
  2. +
    Part 1 - In progess

    Music is playing. Bricks asks Tardust if he needs to have it so loud. There is a radio conversation asking about the state of the road that can be barely be heard over the music. Bricks says he can't hear the radio, and the music gets turned down. The last part part of the radio conversation is that someone is keeping distance, they are not far behind,, making it seem like they are in a convoy. Bricks asks Lizzy how she is doing. Lizzy says she if fine. Tardust tells her that if she has to puke, she should use the bag because he doesn't want to 'deal with that stench the rest of the way'. Bricks comments that he can still smell it and Tardust says that he changed clothes. Lizzy asks where she is being taken and Tardust doesn't want her to know, telling her instead to sit back and enjoy the ride in the cab or he will put her back in the horse cart with the rest of them. Bricks isn't happy with this threat, but Tardust is brushing him off when Scratch comes over the radio. She is mad because the first convoy is at the rest stop and the rest are dragging and need to speed up. Tardust copies that, and there is some radio chatter about not following so close. Tardust comments that he doesn't know how much longer he can stand being in this 'metal cage' because his legs are sore from earlier and Bricks points out that he wasn't cut that deep and to stop complaining. Tardust says he isn't complaining, he is just sick of how long it is taking because they have to drive around everything. When Bricks asks if Tardust knows where they are, and he says gave him a map and then Bricks pulls one that Scratch gave him from the glove box. Tardust grabs the map and looks to see where they are and how long it is going to take. Over the radio we hear someone in the convoy check in from the middle. Tardust comments that they are on the 1-10 but before he says where on the 1-10 they are Bricks tells him to break. Tardust growls at Bricks for not giving him warning and Brick says that it is not his fault because they just stopped in front of him. Tardust gets impatient and jumps on the radio to see what is happening. Scratch yells back to 'give her a second, she is taking care of it'. Bricks wonders if it is her friends and Tardust says that it is not possible. Lizzy says they don't know them. Tardust laughs saying 'don't I, who do you think had to listen to your stupid ass bird talk'. With 40 channels and 40 radios they heard everything. He comments that they should have chosen a better radio like they did, rather then continuing to use the CB when they knew the mallers had one. Lizzy asks what they are using, but Tardust won't tell her. Bricks points out that they are still not moving and Tardust wants to know what he wants him to do, it probably means there is something bigger wrong up the front.

    They start moving again and Tardust asks what Bricks is so scared of. When Bricks says 'those things', Tardust laughs and comments that the zombies are more scared of him, and they have probably all heard what he can do to them. Lizzy asks what happened and Tardust tells a story about them and the boss man (Durai) out side of the Tower. When a zombie comes up he claims that Bricks rips its arms off. Bricks says that is not how it went, instead that he broke its neck,

    The original "air dates" of Chapter 21 were:
    [*] Part 1: April 25, 2011
    [*] Part 2: May 2, 2011
    [*] Part 3: May 9, 2011

    Production of Chapter 21 was pushed back one week from the original release date by the [I]We're Alive: In The Flesh[/I] event held on April 16, 2011.

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