26 - Who Overcomes

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"Who Overcomes..."
Chapter 26
Chapter Number26
Number of Parts3
Written byKc Wayland
Episode Details


[top]Part 1

We begin with the landing from Chapter 25. After they shoot the zombie, Kelly asks if it is dead, and they think it was a stow-away on the helicopter. As they decide to move out further they hear and see a hummer and patrol car come around the corner. In the turret a person with a sunglasses and a kevlar vest targets them. They immediately strap their rifles and throw their arms up to show that they are friendly. Several uniformed officers move come towards them. They are kept under watch and Pegs is told to turn the helicopter off as it is wasting fuel. They are all told to exit the helicopter. Kelly tries to talk to Carl who is watching them, but he is told to watch them not talk. Michaels approaches the Private with his ID showing that he is military, but he is told not to talk to him at all, no matter his rank.
Kelly and Pegs are joking as they left and as Tanya helps Riley off the helicopter their instant reaction is that she is turning. They tell them that she is just sick. Then they notice the dead zombie and question where it came from. Kelly tells them it was a stow-away, but the person in charge gets quite angry. Michael works out that his name is Corporal Puck, and asks if it is just those five and if he is in charge of the whole fort. Puck says that there is a chain of command outside of himself and Michael wants to meet them, but puck is under orders from the base commander. Michael and Kelly are asked to clear their riles and empty the chamber for safety reasons but Michael won't. Carl calls Puck over to look at the number of the helicopter as it seems to mean something to him, but Puck doesn't recognise it. Michael asks Carl if he knows the bird, but Puck tells them not to talk.
Kelly and Pegs are quite excited about how things are looking, but Datu thinks they are being dicks, and Michael reminds them that they will have a lot of rules. The wonder if the guys are really soldiers, so Michael asks Puck what his MOS is. Puck responds with 31 Bravo and this along with how they are acting makes Michael believe they are who they say they are. They ask if they can get a better place for Riley, and they are told that she is first in line for treatment. Pegs sees that Puck is getting close to the chopper and Michaels goes to intercept him. He closes the door to stop them getting in and Puck assumes that Michael locked it. He is then called away to talk to command and they are allowed to leave the chopper. Riley is taken to hospital, and the rest are taken to the barracks after getting their bags from the helicopter. Because they can't reach the commander they have to stay in the barracks but can have a hot shower and get a hot meal.
Michael asks if it was a good place to come, and Puck says that while it is not paradise it's ok, and he will figure it out.
Victor and Saul come outside and the 50cal is still there. They head on towards the Tower and see a lot of debris and ash everywhere. When they get there there are still bodies from all sides left lying around which is different to every other similar scene they have come to. They start checking the bodies looking to see if there are any Mallers with a map. They wonder why the bodies are still around, and Saul says that because they still are they need to hurry up and get out of there. They find the remains of at least part of Kalani's chopper. They then find someone with a gun still in his hand. He has floss, a key, a pocket knife and a wallet with lots of ID's in it.
Saul finds some of the Tower folk in a busted car, Steven and Jacob, and two others.
They found some other Mallers but find nothing helpful and decide to try the tower next door to see if there is anything of interest. They find a few harnesses and try to determine if there was any other way down from the tower if the chopper wasn't there. They find the end of the zip line, but Victor thinks it isn't in a weird position. He wonders if someone abseiled down.
Saul glides down and Victor takes the stairs. Saul starts to investigate where they went, and the find the way the person went. There are rats picking at the bodies, and then Saul finds Mr Whiskers. Mr Whiskers is happy to see them and follows them as they keep investigating. They then find some tire tracks and lots of foot prints and they are fresh. That means that someone was there since the Tower had fallen.

[top]Part 2

[top]Part 3


The original "air dates" of Chapter 26 were
  • Part 1- 1/30/12
  • Part 2- 2/06/12
  • Part 3- 2/13/12


“Just because I don’t put out? Mmmhmm. Okay.” – Datu in 26 - Who Overcomes...



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