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  1. +
    [CENTER][SIZE=5][B]Overview Timeline:
    [COLOR=#ff0000][SIZE=2]Note: Descendants now starts July 2027[/SIZE][/COLOR]

    TIMELINE: What happened when. Making sense of the order.
  3. +



    This is a rough outline with the events and dates from this thread:
  5. -
    [B]This is not exact, and is fan assembled. TRY and give ref to episode #-# when possible.[/B][/SIZE]
  6. +
    [SIZE=4][SIZE=2]The order may not be exact, and is fan assembled. TRY to give references to episode #-# when possible.[/SIZE][/SIZE][SIZE=3]

  8. -
  9. +
    [B][COLOR=#00ff00]GREEN: Exact Date Mentioned[/COLOR]
    [COLOR=#ffd700]YELLOW: Date Suggested/ Clues to event date.[/COLOR]
    [COLOR=#a52a2a]RED: Wild Guess[/COLOR]
  11. -
    [B][COLOR=#00ff00]Friday, May 8, 2009 - [/COLOR][/B]
    *Outbreak believed to begin
    *Michael is at college
    *Hears explosions.
    *Listens to broadcast that states:
    *Men and women are attacking each other all around the Los Angeles area and downtown San Diego.
    *Local law enforcement is not responding.
    *The "rioting" people are attacking the police.
    *Michael receives call from Angel telling him to meet up at Army Reserve Center in Bell, CA.
    IKI][URL="http://www.zombiepodcast.com/forum/showwiki.php?title=Riley"]Riley[/URL][/WIKI] and [WIKI][URL="http://www.zombiepodcast.com/forum/showwiki.php?title=Pegs"]Pegs[/URL][/WIKI] Saved
    *Datu Found
    *Tower Secured
    *[WIKI][URL="http://www.zombiepodcast.com/forum/showwiki.php?title=Bill"]Bill[/URL][/WIKI] found
    *[WIKI]Lizzy[/WIKI] Found
    [COLOR=#00ff00]Mentioned in [WIKI]Chapter 1[/WIKI][/COLOR]
  12. +
    [B][COLOR=#00ff00]May 8, 2009 - Mentioned in Episode 1-1 by Michael[/COLOR][/B]
    Outbreak believed to begin
    *[WIKI]Michael[/WIKI] arrives at (fictional) Santa Roja College near Disneyland in Orange County, California.
    *Hears explosion.
    *Watches television broadcast that states:
    [*]Men and women are attacking each other all around the Los Angeles area and downtown San Diego.
    [*]Local law enforcement has not responded.
    [*]The "rioting" people are attacking the police.
    *Female student says that the riots shown are taking place about 20 miles from the college
    *According to journals the following events take place:
    [*]Around 10:00 a.m. Gardena is hit [COLOR=#ffd700][WIKI]Tommy[/WIKI] estimates this time in Episode 4-2[/COLOR]
    [*]Around 10:30 a.m. Santa Monica is hit [COLOR=#ffd700]Taken form Journal read by [WIKI]Saul[/WIKI] in 4-3[/COLOR]
    [*]Around 10:30 a.m. Compton is hit [COLOR=#ffd700]Taken form Journal read by [WIKI]Saul[/WIKI] in 4-3[/COLOR]
    *[WIKI]Michael[/WIKI] receives a call from Lieutenant [WIKI]Angel[/WIKI] telling him to join his unit at the [WIKI]Army Reserve Center[/WIKI] in [WIKI]Bell[/WIKI], CA.
    *After estimating his travel time to be 30 minutes, [WIKI]Michael[/WIKI] begins his trip towards the [WIKI][URL="http://www.zombiepodcast.com/forum/showwiki.php?title=ArmyReserveCenter"] Center[/URL][/WIKI] along the 5 freeway.
    *Stopped in traffic; [WIKI]Michael[/WIKI] turns on his car radio and hears:
    [*]The 101 Freeway was completely shut down
    [*]The 5 Freeway was closed due to a massive accident out side of Bell in South Los Angeles
    *[WIKI]Michael[/WIKI] says that the closure is right before his exit.
    *[WIKI]Michael[/WIKI] sees zombies for the first time attacking the honking driver behind him.
    *[WIKI]Michael[/WIKI], [WIKI]Angel[/WIKI], and [WIKI]Saul[/WIKI] meet at the [WIKI]Army Reserve Center[/WIKI] and are swarmed by a wave of zombies.
    *[WIKI]Angel[/WIKI] suggests taking his girlfriend [WIKI]Cindy[/WIKI]'s apartment building for a stronghold.
    *[WIKI]Riley[/WIKI] and [WIKI]Pegs[/WIKI] saved from the [WIKI]Wayside Flowers[/WIKI] rooftop.
    *[WIKI]Michael[/WIKI], [WIKI]Angel[/WIKI], [WIKI]Saul[/WIKI], [WIKI]Riley[/WIKI], and [WIKI]Pegs[/WIKI] arrive at [WIKI]The Tower[/WIKI].
    *[WIKI]Datu[/WIKI] is found in the elevator shaft and recruited.
    *Zombie Cindy is killed.
    *[WIKI]The Tower[/WIKI] is secured.
    *[WIKI]Bill[/WIKI] found on the top floor.
    *Roughly 10:15 p.m. the lobby entrance is boarded up.
    *[WIKI]Michael [/WIKI]on guard, feels vibrations or distant explosions?

  14. -
    [B][COLOR=#daa520]May 10- [/COLOR][/B]
    *Lobby Re-Secured
    *[WIKI] Mr. Whiskers[/WIKI] Found
    *Store Made
  15. +
    [B] [COLOR=#ffd700]May 9 (early a.m.) - Time approximate, Michael could not tell 12 minutes from 12 hours while guarding[/COLOR][/B]
    *[WIKI]Lizzy[/WIKI] and [WIKI]Todd[/WIKI] arrive.
    *Todd is killed.
    *Lobby infiltrated.
    *Michael falls asleep for roughly 24 hours.
    *Saul takes guard duty.
    *Angel relieves him in the morning.

  17. -
    May 11-
    *Plans made for Scavenging Mission
    *Gun Training
    *First awkward moment for Michael and Pegs
    *Pegs starts on sign
  18. +
    [B][COLOR=#ffd700]May 10- [/COLOR][/B]
    *Michael awakes
    *Apartments searched for supplies.
    *Riley's store established.
    *Lobby Re-Secured.
    *[WIKI] Mr. Whiskers[/WIKI] is found.
    *Riley takes guard duty.

  20. -
    May 12-
    *Angel and Saul leave on first Scavenging Mission
    *The New Arrivals find Tower
    *Lizzie negotiates with Bill for Roof Accessed
    *The Flower Pot Overrun
    *[URL="http://www.zombiepodcast.com/forum/showwiki.php?title=Burt"]Burt[/URL] Saved
  21. +
    [B][COLOR=#ffd700]May 11-[/COLOR][/B]
    *Plans made for Scavenging Mission.
    *Agreed that Michael runs the show.
    *Gun Training for Lizzy, Datu, and Pegs.
    *Pegs begins work on "We're Alive" survivor banner.
    *Pegs kisses Michael, awkward moment.
    *[COLOR=#00ff00]Jeff from CJ's group killed by Maller at convenience store over soda - specified by Chinwe via her files in episode 26-3[/COLOR]
    *Saul modifies Humvee and assumes control of Motor Pool (parking garage).
    *Michael takes guard duty.

    [B][COLOR=#ffd700]May 12-[/COLOR][/B]
    *Angel and Saul go on 1st Scavenging Mission
    *Lizzie finds TiVo: Bill "Ink" Roberts and news broadcast
    *Saul and Angel find raided convenience store with dead "Normals" (possibly from CJ's tower [26-3])
    *The New Arrivals find Tower, including Kelly and Tommy
    *Lizzie negotiates with Bill for roof access for garden
    *Pegs triggers "The Flower Pot Overrun"
    *Saul finds and rescues Burt in raided Locked-n-Loaded gun store
    *Large generator and gun cache accessed
    *Saul, Angel, and Burt camp out on top of gun store
    *Michael and Lizzie set out to find Saul and Angel
    *First "smart one" encountered.

  23. -
    May 13-
  24. +
    [B][COLOR=#ffd700]May 13- [/COLOR][/B]
    *Saul, Angel, and Burt meet up with Lizzie and Michael
    *Tower Re-Secured
  26. -
    *Tommy puts up first of the cameras
    *Rules made
  27. +
    *Tommy sets up lobby camera
    *Tower Rules established
    *More department heads appointed:
    [*]Riley in charge of food and supplies
    [*]Lizzie in charge of water
    [*]Datu in charge of Power
    [*]Burt in charge of Armory
    [*] Angel & Michael handle safety, personnel, and intel

  29. -
    May 14-
  30. +
    [COLOR=#FFD700]May 14- [/COLOR]
    *Jobs Implemented
  32. -
    *Bill Infection Problem
    *[URL="http://www.zombiepodcast.com/forum/showwiki.php?title=Journals"]Journals[/URL] started
  33. +
    *Bill gets a non-zombie type infection
    *Tommy sets up external cameras
    *mandatory journals implemented

  35. -
    May 18-
    *[URL="http://www.zombiepodcast.com/forum/showwiki.php?title=Kalani"]Kalani[/URL] crashes at [URL="http://www.zombiepodcast.com/forum/showwiki.php?title=Lax"]LAX[/URL]
  36. +
    [B][COLOR=#FF0000]Early June?-[/COLOR][/B]
    *CJ's large convoy gets ambushed
    *CJ's small convoy disappears
    *Shaun's team empty Reserve Base armory
    *Kalani, Hannah, Pippin, and others crash land at LAX
    *Kalani, Hannah, Pippin rescued by Latch and Scratch
    *Kalani, Hannah, Pippin taken to Mallers Mall while it is still being fortified
    *Scratch holds Hannah hostage
    *Kalani returned to crash site
    *Shaun takes Kalani back to CJ's tower
    *CJ deploys tech team to Water Pumping Station, including Randy
    *Kalani assists Duncan in fortifying CJ's tower

  38. -
    May 19-
    *Convoy Ambush
    *Kalani enters [URL="http://www.zombiepodcast.com/forum/showwiki.php?title=The+Other+Tower"]the Other Tower[/URL]
  39. +
    [B][COLOR=#FF0000]Early-Mid June? (three days later)- raining[/COLOR][/B]
    *CJ's Tower overrun
    *Kalani captured
    *Chinwe survives in bowels of her tower
    *Pinstripes heard speaking
    *Hope, Shaun, James escape to Colony
    *Duncan's persona Skittles is born

  41. -
    May 22-
    *Other Tower overrun
    *Kalani enters Arena
    *Hope, [URL="http://www.zombiepodcast.com/forum/showwiki.php?title=Sean"]Sean[/URL], [URL="http://www.zombiepodcast.com/forum/showwiki.php?title=James"]James[/URL] escape to [URL="http://www.zombiepodcast.com/forum/showwiki.php?title=The+Colony"]the Colony[/URL]
  42. +
    *Kalani wakes up
    *Martin offers naive Kalani drugs
    *Samantha captured and taken to Arena
    *failed rescue attempt executed by Samantha's friends at the Arena

  44. -
    June 26-
    *Power runs out
    *Refueling Station team leaves
  45. +
    [B][COLOR=#FFD700]June 25-raining, Michael says "a few days later" after implementing the journals in episode 4-3, however the following events seem to take place roughly four days prior to Riley specifying June 29th as the day of the sweat bottle test [see June 29][/COLOR][/B]
    *journals read by Angel, Saul, and Michael
    *Power goes out permanently
    *Fuel depot mission planned
    *Saul, Lizzy, and Burt deployed for Fuel depot mission
    *Kelly's failed "mutiny"
  47. -
    *Ambushed convoy found
    *First encounters with The One With The Markings and Runners
    *Lady collected
  48. +
    *Fuel depot team discovers convoy ambush
    *Fuel depot team encounters Pinstripes and Runners
    *Detour to Sauls to pick up Lady
    *Eastern Bay drive-by
    *Refueling Station Incident

  50. -
    June 27-
    *Burt and [URL="http://www.zombiepodcast.com/forum/showwiki.php?title=Lizzy"]Lizzy[/URL] save Saul from the hybrid
  51. +
    [B][COLOR=#FFD700]June 26th-[/COLOR] [/B]
    *[COLOR=#FF0000]Datu installs automatic gate - In Episode 8-2 Datu states that a week prior to leaving for the water works mission he installed automatic gates[/COLOR]
    *Burt and Lizzy save Saul and Lady from the hybrid
    *First encounter with Latch and Scratch
  53. -
    *[URL="http://www.zombiepodcast.com/forum/showwiki.php?title=Saul"]Saul[/URL] tails the Mallers and spends the night outside
  54. +
    *Saul tails the Mallers and spends the night outside
    *Burt and Lizzie return to the Tower
  56. +
    *Tommy sets up radio in Tower
    *Bodies removed overnight

  58. -
    June 28-
    *Generator goes on-line
  59. +
    [B][COLOR=#FFD700]June 27th-[/COLOR] [/B]
    *Scratch and Latch execute a Maller
    *Saul attacked
    *Generator up and running
    *Saul Returns
  61. -
    *Scent idea started
    *Sweat Experiment
    *Ant Idea
  62. +
    *Angel forms "scent theory"
    *Sweat Experiment planned

  64. -
    [COLOR=#00ff00][B]June 29-[/B][/COLOR]
    *Tagging Mission
  65. +
    [B][COLOR=#FFD700]June 28th-[/COLOR][/B]
    *Exercise room created
    *sweat collected in jars
    *zip line set up
    *Scent Theory confirmed
    *Angel on Guard Duty
    *Hive Theory formed
    *Tagging Mission planned

    [B][COLOR=#00FF00]June 29th- Riley provides the specific date in Episode 8-1[/COLOR] [/B]
    *morning spent filling sweat jars again
    *Saul and a team scavenge for locators and radios
    *mid afternoon tagging mission executed
    *Lizzy knocked out
  67. -
    *Kelly falls asleep on guard duty; [URL="http://www.zombiepodcast.com/forum/showwiki.php?title=Latch"]Latch[/URL] and [URL="http://www.zombiepodcast.com/forum/showwiki.php?title=Scratch"]Scratch[/URL] come to [URL="http://www.zombiepodcast.com/forum/showwiki.php?title=The+Tower"]the Tower[/URL]
    *Riley tells [URL="http://www.zombiepodcast.com/forum/showwiki.php?title=Michael"]Michael[/URL] canned goods will only last 2 years (likely takes place after midnight)
    [COLOR=#00ff00]Mentioned by Riley in 8-1
  68. +
    *Saul stays with Lizzy for a bit
    *10:00 p.m. Riley and Lizzie drink a bottle
    *Kelly falls asleep on guard duty
    *11:00 p.m. Latch and Scratch arrive
    *Angel uncharacteristically suggests killing them
    *Scratch seems to recognize Angel
    *Michael rejects Mallers offer to "unite"
    *Michael and Riley take guard duty
    *Riley tells Michael canned goods will only last 2 years (likely takes place after midnight)

  70. -
    June 30-
  71. +
    [COLOR=#FFD700]June 30-[/COLOR]
    *Water stops working
  73. -
    *Expedition sets out for The Water Works and tagged zombies
    *First behemoth encounter
  74. +
    *Riley, Angel, Datu, and Michael leave for Scavenging/Locator Retrieval/Water Works Mission
    *Zombie Cindy's body missing from grave
    *Team encounters Behemoth at water pumping station
    *Michael goes missing, but Team RAD continues on
  76. +
    *[COLOR=#FF0000]Tommy and Burt set up trip wire around tower - Burt states this in Episode 11-1, saying they did this after mission team left[/COLOR]
    *Riley obtains a bow and arrows
    *Angel finds a shotgun
    *Skittles encountered for the 1st time
    *[URL="http://www.zombiepodcast.com/forum/showwiki.php?title=Skittles"]Skittles[/URL] warns Team RAD about the Arena and The Colored One
    *Datu captured. Thrown in "prison" with Samantha and Kalani
  78. -
    *Angel and Riley hide in the freezer for the night
  79. +
    *Angel and Riley hold out for the night in a meat freezer

  81. -
    July 1/2/3-
    *Riley kills zombie dragging a little girl. Little girl dies.
    *Angel and Riley enter the Arena, have misadventures
    *Samantha taken for "sacrifice"
    *A&R find Datu and Kalani, escape with them. Reunited with Michael and others.
    *Return to Tower to find Pinstripes in the tower
    *Kalani interviewed, thief searched out
  82. +
    [COLOR=#FFD700]July 1st[/COLOR]
    *Angel and Riley use wine to mask thier scent
    *location of zombie corpses determined; the Arena
    *Angel and Riley fail to save a zombie victim's life and enter the arena
    *Angel and Riley hide in a pile of human remains
    *Samantha reads some of Datu's journal

  84. -
    *******The events of July 1- 3 are somewhat confused. Datu obviously is captured the evening of June 30 (This date follows the dating set by Riley's journal in 8-1). Therefore, the events of Angel and Riley entering the Arena and looking for him take place on July 1. However, It is revealed by Pegs in 11-3 that they spend July 3 searching the apartments for the stolen goods and interviewing Kalani. This causes a bit of a continuity issue. Either Angel and Riley's search for Datu took far longer than it seemed, or we simply had a day disappear.
  85. +
    [COLOR=#FF0000]July 2nd?-[/COLOR]
    *Samantha discusses the other tower
    *Datu uses chair leg to begin tunneling an escape
    *Samantha kisses Datu
    *late afternoon? Datu sees the one with Markings
    *Zombies take Samantha to be killed
    *Angel and Riley come out of hiding, wash up & clean weapons

  87. -
    [B][COLOR=#00ff00]July 3- [/COLOR][/B][COLOR=#00ff00][B]Mentioned by Pegs in 11-3[/B][/COLOR]
  88. +
    [COLOR=#FFD700]July 3rd-[/COLOR]
    *[COLOR=#FF0000]early a.m.?[/COLOR] Angel and Riley resume search of Datu
    *[COLOR=#FF0000]dawn[/COLOR] Datu and Kalani are rescued by Angel and Riley
    * [COLOR=#FFD700]Riley's shop at Tower is robbed - Pegs states this occured the morning Michaels rescue team left in Episode 11-1[/COLOR]
    *Riley tags a behemoth in the eye with an arrow
    *Saul, Burt, and newly returned Michael save the team
    *Michael has a broken arm
    *Samantha's final notes read; her daughter named, Hope
    *Paul found dead
    *Pinstripes encountered
    *Armory discovered robbed
    *Kalani tells his back story, mentions ground zero, CJ, and other tower
    *Angel show Kalani how to perform guard duty
    *Armory padlocked
    *Tommy accused of being shop thief
    *Michael (gets schooled by a florist), he and Pegs plan a day off
    *Tower votes for 4th of July Party
    *Kalani gathers intel/discovers Bill with stolen goods
    *Kalani blackmails Bill into providing him with a gun
    *Kalani relieves Kelly of Guard Duty/contacts Mallers

  90. -
    [COLOR=#00ff00][B]July 4-[/B][/COLOR]
  91. +
    *The events of July 1- 3 are somewhat confused. Datu obviously is captured the evening of June 30 (This date follows the dating set by Riley's journal in 8-1). Therefore, the events of Angel and Riley entering the Arena and looking for him take place on July 1. However, It is revealed by Pegs in 11-3 that they spend July 3 searching the apartments for the stolen goods and interviewing Kalani. This causes a bit of a continuity issue. Either Angel and Riley's search for Datu took far longer than it seemed, or we simply had a day disappear.
    [COLOR=#00ff00][B]July 4- Pegs mentions this date as a reason to celebrate in 11-3[/B][/COLOR] [/B]
    *Kalani on Guard Duty
  93. -
    *Party starts
  94. +
    *Burt takes guard for the Party
    *Bill fully recovered from infection, joins party
    *Burt joins the party
    *Tommy takes guard duty

  96. -
    July 5-
    *Mallers show up for the War
    *Bill dies
    *Latch killed by Pegs
    *Zombies swarm the battle
    *[URL="http://www.zombiepodcast.com/forum/showwiki.php?title=Tommy"]Tommy[/URL] dies
    *Saul shot
    *Miscellaneous Mallers killed throughout fight
    *Tower survives
  97. +
    [B][COLOR=#00FF00]July 5th-Burt mentions July 5th as the aftermath of the war in Episode 14-1[/COLOR][/B]
    *party continues
    *Kelly and Kalani dance
    *Pegs confesses she likes Michael
    *Mallers arrive, including leader Durai
    *traitor is confirmed
    *Kalani fires the shots that jump start The War
    *Tower members throw furniture
    *[COLOR=#FF0000]Ryan killed?[/COLOR]
    *Parking garage gate defended
    *furniture set ablaze, defending North Side
    *Mallers briefly infiltrate using ladders
    *Bill joins the fight
    *1st pipe bomb used
    *Bill killed in explosion, Tommy wounded
    *Mallers invade 2nd floor en mass
    *Michael knocked out by pipe bomb explosion
    *Pegs shoots and kills Latch
    *Mallers intend to employ fire engine
    *Michael orders use of sweat jars
    *Zombie horde approaches
    *Scratch uses Molotov inside Tower
    *Michael and Pegs separated from others by fire
    *2nd floor sealed off to suffocate fire
    *Jumper infiltrates tower
    *Michael and Pegs use elevator shaft to reach others
    *Tommy turns
    *Burt shoots Z-Tommy, hits Saul
    *Z-Tommy destroys stairwell door, fire spreads
    *Burt plans to go alone
    *Michael and Lizzie hold off fire with Reserve water
    *Burt and Datu find stolen ammo in Bill's apt.
    *Plan to use fire truck enacted by Riley, Angel, and Burt
    *water hose used to put out fire
    *special zombie seen commanding horde
    *zombie's retreat
    *Tommy's remains found
    *Michael cracks to pressure of leadership
    *Burt assumes leadership
    *Tower secured and fortified again
    *Kelly and a team head to the hardware store for supplies
    *bullet extracted from Saul
    *funeral held for Bill Norris, Ryan Brown, Tommy Pick, Samantha, Paul Baily, Todd Fischer, and Cindy Benson

  99. -
    [B][COLOR=#daa520]July 24[/COLOR][/B]-
    *[URL="http://www.zombiepodcast.com/forum/showwiki.php?title=Simon"]Simon[/URL] Killed
    *MPK head south
  100. +
    [COLOR=#FFD700]Between July 5th and July 19th[/COLOR]- Pegs plagued with nightmares, Saul given antibiotics but remains sick, Carley fails to go it alone and is killed

    [COLOR=#FF0000]July 21st- Riley and a team attempt to brave the hospital but find it too dangerous - Kalani mentions this occurs two days prior from the assumed date of July 24th in episode 15-1[/COLOR]

    [B][COLOR=#FFD700]July 24-in Episode 16-1 Kelly states the date July 25th, the following events take place the day before that[/COLOR][/B]
    *[COLOR=#FFD700]early a.m.[/COLOR], [URL="http://www.zombiepodcast.com/forum/showwiki.php?title=Simon"]Simon[/URL] Killed
    *[COLOR=#FFD700]dawn[/COLOR], Pegs declares the garden a lost cause
    *Plan to find Saul a doctor proposed
    *Michael reveals his arm to be in bad shape
    *[COLOR=#FFD700]early afternoon[/COLOR], MPK head south
    *Angel and Saul brainstorm MRE mission
    *[COLOR=#FFD700]sunset[/COLOR], MPK rest in a beach house
    *[COLOR=#FFD700]evening[/COLOR], Michael and Pegs "define" thier relationship
    [B][COLOR=#daa520]Kelly Mentions Two Weeks Later[/COLOR][/B]

  102. -
    [B][COLOR=#00ff00]July 25 - [/COLOR][/B]
    *Boat crash
    *[URL="http://www.zombiepodcast.com/forum/showwiki.php?title=Victor"]Victor[/URL] finds MPK
    [B][COLOR=#00ff00]Mentioned by Kelly in 16-1[/COLOR][/B]
  103. +
    [B][COLOR=#00ff00]July 25-Kelly mentions this date in 16-1[/COLOR][/B]
    *Kelly radios Burt
    *teams are using bird based related call signs
    *Pegs has another nightmare
    *Pegs radios Angel, asks him to return Latch's body to Mallers
    *MPK bathe on the beach
    *Micahael and Pegs board yacht, braodcast on Coast Guard channels, get swarmed by Zombies, crash yacht
    *Pegs gets owie on her foot
    *MPK flee south in car, stop to grab clothes
    *MPK meet Victor far to the South
    *large zombie wave passes by while they hide
    *same wave attacks Shaun's group, assumed none survive

  105. +
    [B][COLOR=#FFD700]July 26th-[/COLOR] [/B]
    *[COLOR=#00FF00]7:00 a.m.[/COLOR], MPK wake up in Victor's safe house (outpost 1)
    *MPK led by Victor arrive at colony a couple of hours later and encounter Gatekeeper
    *Hope, Samantha's daughter, introduced
    *Dr. Tanya stitches Pegs foot and resets Michael's broken arm
    *Victor shows Kelly and Pegs their house
    *Hope warns Pegs and Kelly the Colony is sinister

  107. -
    [COLOR=#daa520][B]July 26 [/B]-[/COLOR]
    *Colony discovered by Michael, Pegs and Kelly
    [B][COLOR=#daa520]Logical timing following the day prior.[/COLOR][/B]
  108. +
    [COLOR=#FF0000]Between July 26th and July 29th- Angel retrieves Latch's body from burned corpses, Lizzy and Riley find a bottled water truck for the Tower, and Burt's Locked-n-Loaded safe is emptied[/COLOR]

  110. -
    [/URL][COLOR=#daa520][B]July 27 -[/B][/COLOR]
  111. +
    [COLOR=#FFD700]July 29th-date assumed from Angel saying he had just returned from a dangerous mission in Episode 20-1[/COLOR][/B]
    *[COLOR=#FFD700]morning[/COLOR], Angel and Kalani set out on MRE mission
    *team AK detours to fueld depot to deliver Latch's body
    *[COLOR=#FFD700]noon[/COLOR], Kalani and Angel arrive at Reserve Base
    *nearly dead Behemoth encountered and finished off
    *AK load up MREs
    *armory found empty
    *Little Ones encountered
    *another Behemoth arrives
    *truck gets flat tire
    *Skittles arrives, helps team AK hide in water tower
    *Skittles offers information about Zombie types
    *after AK wake from a nap, they successfully carry out a plan to crush a Behemoth under restaurant
    *Angel cut up jumping through window
    *Skittles fixes truck tire
    *AK escape from "Arrowhead" Behemoth with MREs in truck

  113. +
    [B][COLOR=#FFD700]July 30th-Date assumed from Tanya stating in Episode 19-1 that Michael was out for four days after his surgery (see July 26th)[/COLOR][/B]
    [U]Events At Tower:[/U]
    *[COLOR=#FFD700] early a.m.[/COLOR], Parking garage attacked by biters
    *Lizzie asleep on guard duty
    *Burt reprimands Lizzie, Steven incites mutiny
    *Lizzie voluntarily leaves, pretends it was Burt's order
    *[COLOR=#FFD700]mid-afternoon[/COLOR], Burt sets out looking for Lizzy - [COLOR=#FFD700]mentioned by Burt in Episode 20-1[/COLOR]
    [U]Events At Colony:[/U]
    *Michael wakes up with a pink cast on his arm
    *Hope tells her story
    *Marcus interviews Michael and offers #2 position
    *Michael meets Pegs at Liberty Park
    *Bixby cattle prods Pegs
    *Michael takes a shovel to Bixby's face
    *Michael meets Victor at the Broken Arrow
    *Gatekeeper and Michael exchange words
    *Victor and Michael make a broadcast in the Tower's Direction
    *Bixby a.k.a. Shovel Face escorts Michael and Victor to Marcus
    *Markus jails Michael for making broadcast
    *[COLOR=#FFD700]evening[/COLOR], Pegs over hears Gatekeeper and Bixby plotting coup to over throw Marcus
    *Pegs asks Amy to taker her to Marcus
    *Amy locks up Pegs
    *Kelly and Victor go looking for Pegs
    *After freeing Pegs, the coup begins, and the three raid the weapons cache
    *Pegs, Kelly, and Victor free Michael, pick up Tanya, and Hope
    *The entire group escapes the Colony

  115. -
    [COLOR=#daa520][B]July 28-[/B][/COLOR]
    *Angel and Kalani set out on MRE mission
    *Latch's body dropped off
    *AK have zombie issues while collecting MREs. A wild Skittles appears and gets them to safety
    *Angel, Kalani, and Skittles kill a behemoth and change a tire. AK drives back to the tower. Skittles returns to the wild.
  116. +
    [B][COLOR=#FFD700]July 31st-[/COLOR][/B]
    *[COLOR=#FFD700]early a.m.[/COLOR], Michael, Pegs, Kelly, Victor, Tanya, and Hope arrive back at the Tower
    *Datu meets Hope
    *Angel informs Michael Lizzie was kicked out
    *Michael reads Datu's log
    *Burt returns
    *Michael re-assumes command
    *Lizzie starts audio journal
    *team of unknowns sent out to look for Lizzie
    *Lizzy captured by Tardust and Bricks (Mallers)
    *Burt and Angel debrief Michael
    *Saul reveals Tanya is his mother and a Veterinarian
    *Tanya administers meds and sets up picc line on Saul
    *Tardust attempts to rape Lizzy at furniture store
    *Scratch arrives, orders Tardust and Bricks to take Lizzy to rendezvous point
    *Saul finds out Lizzy is missing
    *Michael and Angel brainstorm getting to Ft. Irwin
    *Michael okays Burt and Saul to go look for Lizzy
    *Scratch drops Pippin off near Tower
    *Saul and Burt pick up Lizzy's trail at furniture store
    *Tower group learns Mallers vacated the strip mall
    *Maller convoy to Arena gets attacked
    *Little Ones encountered, tattooed arm studied
    *Michael and Kalani discuss using helicopters to get to Ft. Irwin
    *Pippin arrives
    *Maller convoy bombs Arena
    *Burt and Saul arrive at LAX and find Jolly Green Giant
    *Datu sets up audio on security surveillance
    *Pippin interrogated
    *Michael pulls guard duty
    *Burt and Saul sleep in a plane
    *Kelly relieves Michael on Guard duty

  118. -
    [COLOR=#daa520][B]July 30 -[/B][/COLOR]
  119. +
    [B][COLOR=#FFD700]August 1st-[/COLOR][/B]
    *Angel and Hope relieve Kelly from Guard Duty
    *Jacob and James continue search for another Helicopter
    *Burt tests remote explosive
    *Tanya scanning journals
    *Kalani cuts Armory alarm
    *Kalani murders Pippin
    *Michael and Angel decide to have Lewis take the blame
    *Datu and Kalani arrive at LAX
    *Pegs revealed as other helicopter pilot
    *Victor and Pegs pass near Ground Zero
    *Kalani trains Pegs
    *Jacob and John find other helicopter at Hospital
    *Saul goes AWOL, arrives at arena wreckage and listens to Lizzy's audio journal
    *Kalani, Angel, Riley, and Burt head to the Hospital
    *Michael and Tanya discuss zombies and journals
    *Tanya attacked by zombies, led by Z-Randy
    *Hospital overrun
    *Angel and Burt trapped
    *Kalani and Riley find Pinstripes workshop in hospital bowels
    *Pinstripes encountered by Kalani and Riley
    *Angel and Burt rescued
    *Angel, Kalani, Burt, and Riley reach helicopter atop hospital and escape

  121. +
    [COLOR=#00FF00]August 2nd[/COLOR]-[COLOR=#FFD700]beginning of new day assumed as Steven says no zombies seen that morning, and Angel says he "didn't get a chance to talk to Michael this morning" in Chapter 24[/COLOR],[COLOR=#00FF00] date confirmed by Michael in 25-2[/COLOR]
    *Saul checks Eastern Bay, contacts Mallers for Pegs/Lizzie exchange
    *Angel dropped off at Tower
    *Burt, Riley, and Kalani head back to LAX
    *Saul arrives at LAX
    *Kalani and Pegs test fly Bell Helicopter
    *Saul, Burt, Riley, Michael, and Victor head to golf course
    *Kalani writes his final journal entries
    *Tower siege begins
    *Golf course exchange SNAFU
    *Michael, Burt and Riley join Kalani, Saul and Victor continue on in Hummer
    *Michael informs Kalani about the Red Head killed on the golf course, Kalani likely assumes this to be Hannah
    *Scratch offers deal to swap her two prisoners for Pegs
    *Kalani and crew arrive at Tower in Bell Helicopter
    *Kalani kamikazes into Maller tanker
    *Scratch threatens to blow up Tower's tanker
    *Saul and Victor arrive and unleash .50 cal Hell
    *Burt kills RPG'er just as he nails the Hummer with rocket
    *Tower's red shirts get over run trying to escape through parking garage
    *Pegs arrives in Jolly Green Giant
    *Angel grabs Kalani's journal, Lady, and Hope
    *all except Burt and Angel make it to the helicopter via zip-line
    *zip-line snaps on Burt
    *Helicopter crew attempt to pick up Angel from Tower rooftop
    *RPG fired at roof
    *Angel rappels down the Tower into a burning tanker (according to Tardust in 29-3)
    *Saul and Victor take refuge in a nearby store
    *Michael, Pegs, Riley, Datu, Kelly, Tanya, Lady, and Hope depart in helicopter
    *Saul and Victor take .50 cal and retreat from pursuing Behemoth
    *Michael and crew are grounded temporarily
    *Riley wakes up and is informed of assumed casualties
    *Scratch recovers "what [she] is looking for"
    *Victor and Saul take refuge in an office building
    *Riley storms off

  123. -
    [B][COLOR=#daa520]July 31 -[/COLOR][/B]
    *Lizzy kicked out & then captured by Mallers
  124. +
    [B][COLOR=#FFD700]August 3rd[/COLOR][/B]
    *Riley noticed missing
    *Flesh biters arrive at field
    *Riley found and group flees on helicopter
    *Victor and Saul search tower remains
    *Mr. Whiskers found
    *fresh tire tracks and signs of a survivor found
    *Michel and crew arrive at Ft. Irwin
    *Cpl. Puck and Pvt. Carl Thomas introduced
    *Riley taken to base hospital
    *group taken to barracks
    *Michael falls asleep
    *Saul and Victor arrive at secret garden
    *Saul intentionally sets off the alarm
    *[COLOR=#FFD700]several hours later[/COLOR], someone arrives and resets alarm
    *after a scuffle, Chinwe is subdued
    *Chinwe takes Saul and Victor to her tower, keeps location secret
    *Chinwe shares her files, file on Kalani is among them
    *Saul relates what he knows about Kalani
    *Chinwe relates what she knows about Kalani
    *Chinwe shows picture revealing Pinstripes is responsible for her tower being over run
    *Saul and Victor watch CJ's recording of the attack on her tower
    *Saul relates what he knows about zombies
    *Victor and Saul negotiate to stay at CJ's tower
    *CJ stipulates that Saul and Victor must explore Ground Zero

  126. -
    [B][COLOR=#daa520]August 1[/COLOR][/B]-
    *Michael wakes up
    *Victor, [URL="http://www.zombiepodcast.com/forum/showwiki.php?title=Tanya"]Tanya[/URL], [URL="http://www.zombiepodcast.com/forum/showwiki.php?title=Kelly"]Kelly[/URL], Michael, Pegs, Hope leave the Colony
    *[URL="http://www.zombiepodcast.com/forum/showwiki.php?title=Marcus"]Marcus[/URL] killed
    *MPK+ Victor, Tanya and Hope return to Tower.
    [B][COLOR=#daa520]Mentioned by Michael in 19-1[/COLOR][/B]
  127. +
    [B][COLOR=#FFD700]August 4th-Saul states the Ground Zero mission takes place the following morning in 28-2[/COLOR][/B]
    *CJ wakes up early and gathers supplies for Ground Zero recon mission
    *CJ drops Saul and Victor off far outside Inglewood with equipment
    *Saul and Victor explore Ground Zero; discover a Haze and large, deep cracks in the ground
    *Victor's air tank runs empty
    *Saul discovered to be able to breathe near Ground Zero

  129. -
    [COLOR=#daa520][B]August 2-[/B][/COLOR]
    *Saul gets treatment from his mom
    *Saul and Burt head out in search of Lizzy
    *Mallers not in Mall
    *[URL="http://www.zombiepodcast.com/forum/showwiki.php?title=Pippin"]Pippin[/URL] enters the Tower
    *“Hen” found
    *Mallers ambushed by Pinstripes
    *Mallers blow up Arena

  131. -
    [B][COLOR=#daa520]August 3rd- [/COLOR][/B]
    *Pippin killed
    *Datu and Kalani head out to “Hen”
    *Victor and Pegs go near [URL="http://www.zombiepodcast.com/forum/showwiki.php?title=Ground+Zero"]ground zero[/URL]
    *Victor and Pegs arrive at LAX (“Hen”)
    *Kalani trains Pegs
    *[URL="http://www.zombiepodcast.com/forum/showwiki.php?title=Lewis"]Lewis[/URL] takes the fall for Pippin's death
    *Roofs cleared. Hospital crew go to hospital
    *“Rooster” found
    *Saul runs off
    *Saul finds remains of Arena
    *Saul contacts Mallers
    *Exchange set up
  132. +
    [COLOR=#FFD700]August 5th-Pegs says it has been two days since they arrived in Episode 27-1[/COLOR]
    *Riley still in custody of Ft. Irwin military
    *Pegs tries to discuss relationship issues with Michael
    *Tanya finds Kalani's journal
    *Michael and crew read Kalani's journal
    *[COLOR=#FFD700]around 1:00[/COLOR] Tanya refuses to take physical, is taken to the WEED, and sedated
    *Michael leaves barracks to check on Tanya and is stopped by Cpl. Puck, Pvt. Carl, just as Colonel Kimmet arrives
    *Kimmet assigns Michael to command staff, with Puck assigned directly under Michael
    *Michael informs the group of his orders
    *Michael goes through his physical check-up
    *Michael and Puck chit chat on the way to check in with Kimmet
    *Michael meets with Kimmet and reluctantly signs his reinstatement papers
    *Kimmet briefs Michael on the current known situation regarding the outbreak
    [*]Various units are running special missions outside Ft. Irwin
    [*]Civilians are moved to Boulder Colorado (current pop. 150,000)
    [*]Civilians may be trained as soldiers and flown back to post
    [*]all branches of military are working together
    [*]other bases fell out of contact as they chose not to euthanize infected
    [*]Boulder and Ft. Irwin seem to be the only known Safe Zones in the continental U.S.
    [*]lost contact with the East coast about a week after the Western coast outbreak
    [*]Japan, China, and the Philippines are believed to have thier own "hotspot" of the outbreak
    *Kimmet explains that Michael's group either signs up or ships out
    *Michael attempts to convince his people to stay but only persuades Riley (newly released from observation)
    *Datu mentions a possibility of surgeons at Boulder possibly helping Hope with her eyesight
    *Later, in private, Michael pleads with Pegs to stay. She refuses, and in a manner, dumps Michael

  134. -
    [B][COLOR="#00FF00"]August 4th -[/COLOR][/B]
    *Tower attacked by Scratch
    *Kalani dies
    *Tower destroyed
    *Saul and Victor go missing
    *Burt and Angel left in unknown condition
    *Michael, Pegs, Datu, Riley, Hope, Tanya, and Kelly fly away from the remains of the Tower
    [COLOR=#00ff00]Mentioned by Michael in 25-2
  135. +
    [COLOR=#FFD700]August 6th- Puck states in 29-2 that the flight to Boulder leaves the following day at 11 a.m.[/COLOR]
    *Michael and Riley say goodbye to the group, and Datu gives Michael his journal
    *Puck receives a radio transmission stating that Tanya has been discovered to have been bitten

    [COLOR=#FFD700] Between Early August and Late November-[/COLOR]
    *Mallers arrive at the Colony
    *Scratch interrogates and executes Angel
    *Saul and Victor check out the Colony, however notice no differences that would indicate Maller presence
    *Saul, Victor, and CJ continue to hold up a somewhat uneventful existence at Dunbar Apartments

    [COLOR=#00FF00]November 27th - Saul specifies this date in 30-1[/COLOR]
    *Saul and Victor harvest eggs at an unspecified location away from Dunbar apartments when they sight a Chinook
    *Saul and Victor search for occupants of the Chinook that appear to have been dropped off
    *Saul and Victor find traces but lose trail of the Chinook team

    [COLOR=#00FF00]November 28th through December 2st - Saul and Victor continue their search in the direction of the last known drop point of the Chinook team, but feel the search has gone cold

  137. -
    [COLOR=#daa520][B]August 5th -[/b][/COLOR]
    *Arrival at Fort Irwin.
    [B][COLOR=#daa520]Logical timing following the day prior.[/COLOR][/B]
  138. +
    [COLOR=#00FF00]December 3rd - Saul specifies that these events took place 6 days later, confirmed by Chinook team member. Ft. Irwin events date confirmed by Michael in 33-1[/COLOR]
    *Saul and Victor push out towards Long Beach
    *Michael, Cpl. Puck, and a team deploy KODI (Killing Ordnance Deployment Initiative) into hostile territory in Yermo
    *KODI uses sweat bottle, a human dummy, and noise to gather zombies, claymore is then detonated to kill Biters
    *KODI slightly damaged in blast
    *Michael continues personal log confirming date of events
    *evening chow back at Ft. Irwin, Michael and Puck discuss Carl at Boulder, and Michael not communicating with old friends from Tower
    *Riley, the Fort cook, mentions her new meds helping but expresses desire to go out on combat missions
    *Michael visits quarantined Tanya; leaves sample of zombie flesh for her research
    *in L.A., Chinook team use Sat Phone to contact Ft. Irwin and request extraction
    *Little Ones (now very large) arrive to attack Chinook team
    *Gregg Fowler of the Chinook team is KIA
    *Captain Long of Chinook team is severely injured, and the Chinook departs as Saul and Victor arrive
    *at Ft. Irwin, Michael returns to H.Q. to learn Chinook team got attacked
    *Kimmet orders Chinook team to Boulder
    *in L.A., Saul and Victor obtain Fowlers name tape and Unit Patch, they also observe 6'7'' Little One (#12)
    *Saul and Victor hear shots fired and join up with Pete and Glen, refugees from the Colony
    *the group notes that the Little Ones possess superior strength, tough skin, and possibly transmit those traits to their turned victims
    *CJ is radioed via encrypted police channel radios and extraction is requested.
    *through inquiry and conversation Pete reveals that the Mallers took over the Colony in early August, and that Lizzie is alive and pregnant
    *Saul confirms that he could be the father, but also reveals that he believes Lizzy may have been raped
    *Group falls asleep, save for Saul
    *at Ft. Irwin, Michael calls Carl at Boulder and learns the Chinook team never arrived as expected

  140. +
    [COLOR=#00FF00]December 4th - the following morning, Black Hawk events date obtained from Specialist Anthony Robbins in 33-2[/COLOR]
    *[COLOR=#00FF00]6:00 a.m.[/COLOR], team scrambled to search for Chinook, team includes Specialist Robbins and Pvt. Carl Thomas
    *Robbins mentions and provides photographic evidence that regular biters freeze in cold weather
    *Black Hawk team finds Chinook wreckage
    *two biters on scene are killed by Robbins using copter side gun
    *study of Chinook reveals claw marks indicating a biter "rode" along
    *Kimmets niece, Cptn. Long, found dead and eaten; foot prints leading away from Chinook lead to Advanced Little One in a tree
    *two Black Hawk team members killed by Advanced Little One before Robbins kills it with copter side gun
    *study of Advanced Little One corpse reveals it to be #2
    *Pvt. Carl SAT phones Michael and informs him of thier findings
    *Robbins proceeds to kill turning soldiers who display characteristics of Advanced Little Ones
    *Kimmet orders corpse of #2 to be burned; Michael secretly orders Carl disregard that order and bag #2 for transport to Ft. Irwin
    *in L.A., CJ radios Saul to prep for pick up
    *Little One killed with head-shots (Roman after having been turned by another Little One)
    *group briefly discusses Little Ones (#'s 5, 6, 9 and 12)
    *CJ interrogates Pete and Glenn and decides to let them stay in a separate Safe House
    *CJ argues returning to the Colony, then preps supplies in a separate room to take Pete and Glenn to the safe house
    *Saul determines fallen soldier's patch came from Ft. Irwin
    *Glen asked to inspect SAT phone; determines it can be repaired using parts from his shop at the Colony
    *CJ is convinced to go to the Colony to retrieve SAT phone parts, and rescue Lizzy
    *Saul and Victor load up for mission to Colony, then drop Pete and Glen off at safe house
    *[COLOR=#FFD700]evening[/COLOR],CJ repacks gear and provides SWAT van/large arsenal of weapons
    *Saul and Victor return and depart with CJ for the Colony
    *[COLOR=#FFD700]night[/COLOR], The team arrives at a police station near the colony
    *CJ uses her Katana to slay biters
    *Inside the police station, CJ bathes topless in front of Saul and Victor

  142. +
    [COLOR=#00FF00]December 5th - the following morning[/COLOR]
    *1st surveillance camera set up

  144. -
    Problems include-
    Datu, Angel, and Riley spent an extra day out of the tower.
    The last three or four days aren't determind.
    The other towers attack is a rough estimation.
    The towers activity during the venture in the colony isn't proper.
  145. +
    [COLOR=#00FF00]December 6th - Saul refers to this date as "the day after" in 31-3[/COLOR]
    *2nd surveillance camera set up

    [COLOR=#FFD700]December 7th - December 13th - time frame established as "roughly a week" by Saul in 31-3[/COLOR]
    *Wireless cameras set up - require swapping out ever two days
    *Information collected regarding Maller/Colony Guardian habits and schedules

    [COLOR=#00FF00]December 14th - day prior to the Water Truck as a Trojan Horse mission[/COLOR]
    *Victor grows impatient with intelligence gathering and surveillance
    *CJ reveals she has a plan; Victor is to infiltrate Colony, attempt to incite rebellion
    *Victor, CJ, Saul discuss using the water truck, a.k.a. Water Dog to sneak Victor into the Colony
    *[COLOR=#00FF00]6:00 P.M.[/COLOR], CJ goes for wet suit and supplies

    [COLOR=#00ff00]December 15th - Tuesday (date established by KC Wayland as the day Victor infiltrates Water Truck)[/COLOR] [COLOR=#FFD700]Events revolving around Lizzy, Bricks, Scratch, and Burt assumed to take place day before December 16th[/COLOR]
    *Scratch escorts Lizzy to her sonogram
    *Durai stops them and Lizzy is dismissed
    *Durai wonders about keeping Burt in order to track Michael and the rest
    *Scratch mentions From Life until Death and "the rules"
    *Scratch returns to Lizzy to witness ultrasound performed by Dentist (Scratch killed the doctor)
    *Ultrasound reveals Lizzy is having a boy
    *Scratch & Lizzy discuss a bit of Scratch's past, revealing Scratch was raped by cousin and how she received her scars
    *Scratch riles herself up and leaves to torture Burt
    *Lizzy questions Bricks as to what Scratch is up to, Bricks grows upset and silences Lizzy
    *Scratch begins to torture Burt; mentions that Burt has been in captive for at least a few months
    *Scratch destroys Shirley and cuts off Burts right hand trigger finger
    *Bricks halts any further torturing and takes one of Scratch's knives; she mentions she always carries a spare
    *Lizzy jots down a few thoughts in her journal
    *Bricks arrives, covered in Burts blood
    *Bricks tells Lizzy about Burt and also about what happened to Angel
    *Lizzy and Bricks brainstorm idea to show Durai the tape of Angel's death
    *Victor sneaks into the Colony via the "Water Dog" truck.
    *water truck's driver Bixby discovers Victor and takes him to meet with a deposed Gatekeeper
    *Gatekeeper informs Victor that he has struggled to overthrow the Maller occupation of the Colony
    *Saul, Victor, and CJ decide to let Gatekeeper and anyone loyal to him to assist with their plans
    *CJ kisses Saul; he rejects her advance
    *Saul determines to get the Colony folk armed and tells Gatekeeper to prep for a coup

    [COLOR=#00FF00]December 16th - the following day[/COLOR]
    *Victor, Bixby, and Gatekeeper radio Saul and CJ to relay that everyone is in place for the coup.
    *Tardust orders that all Colony members are to meet in Hospital Parking lot
    *Victor informs Saul of the gathering, then sneaks outside to witness the goings-on
    *Victor confirms Lizzy is there
    *Bricks tells Lizzy he gave the tape to Durai
    *Durai, in front of all, says he is going to execute Scratch
    *Scratch turns the table and is able to knife Durai in the chest
    *Civil war breaks out
    *Scratch shoots Bricks, mortally wounding him
    *Victor goes for Lizzy, Gatekeeper & Bixby go for the gate
    *Saul & CJ get in the first gate as Biters arrive as well
    *Victor gets Lizzy out of the firefight
    *Lizzy confirms the baby is Sauls
    *Victor gets Saul on the radio

    [I][COLOR=#00FF00]December 16th 14:00[/COLOR]. Timestamp on Autopsy done by Tanya - [COLOR=#ff0000][B]Incorrect timestamp.[/B][/COLOR][/I]
    Current Problems include-
    Timing of the rescue attempt of Datu at the Arena
    CJ's tower attack is a rough estimation.
    The events of Lizzy being captured by the Mallers and our Tower searching for her are estimated.

    Goldrush Epilogue: Burt's 80th Bday - March 3 - 2027

    Descendants Start Date: July 11th - 2027 (1 am is Coal's Attack)


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