Bell Helicopter

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  1. -
    A large helicopter used by the survivors. The one in the story is a medical helciopter. It is white, with a blue tail and red stripe down the middle.
  2. +
    A large helicopter used by the survivors. The one in the story is a medical helciopter. It is white, with a blue tail and red stripe down the middle. The Tower uses the codename "Hen" when speaking of it on the radios.

    Link to Wikipedia Article: [URL=""][/URL]

  4. -
    [*]Chapter 22 - Jakob and James spot a helicopter on the roof of the hospital from a nearby rooftop. They report back to the tower.
    [*]Chapter 23 - Kalani, Riley, Angel and Burt make it up to the rooftop, and Kalani flies it off.
  5. +
    [*][wiki="22 - Our Doubts are Traitors"]Chapter 22 - Our Doubts are Traitors [/wiki]- [wiki]Jakob[/wiki] and [wiki]James[/wiki] spot a helicopter on the roof of the hospital from a nearby rooftop. They report back to the tower.
    [*][wiki="Chapter 23"]Chapter 23 - The Devil's Workshop[/wiki] - [wiki]Kalani[/wiki], [wiki]Riley[/wiki], [wiki]Angel[/wiki] and [wiki]Burt[/wiki] make it up to the rooftop, and [wiki]Kalani[/wiki] flies it off.
    [*][wiki="Chapter 24"]Chapter 24 - The Harder They Fall[/wiki] - [wiki]Kalani[/wiki] picks up [wiki]Michael[/wiki], [wiki]Burt[/wiki] and [wiki]Riley[/wiki] on the way back from the golf course mission. [wiki]Kalani[/wiki] drops off [wiki]Michael[/wiki] and [wiki]Burt[/wiki], and later [wiki]Riley[/wiki] to the tower. He then flies the helicopter into a maller tanker, sacrificing himself and the chopper in an attempt to stop the tower from being destroyed.
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    | image =[IMG][/IMG]
    | label = Bell 412 Huey from Mercy Air Ambulance[/template]
    | image =[IMG][/IMG]
    | label = Diagram[/template]


    [category]Survival Gear[/category][category]Vehicles[/category]

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