Bell Helicopter

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    A large helicopter used by the survivors. The one in the story is a medical helciopter. It is white, with a blue tail and red stripe down the middle. The Tower uses the codename "Hen" when speaking of it on the radios.

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  2. -
    [*][wiki="Chapter 22 - Our Doubts are Traitors"]Chapter 22 - Our Doubts are Traitors [/wiki]- Jakob and James spot a helicopter on the roof of the hospital from a nearby rooftop. They report back to the tower.
    [*][wiki="Chapter 23"]Chapter 23 - The Devil's Workshop[/wiki] - Kalani, Riley, Angel and Burt make it up to the rooftop, and Kalani flies it off.
    [*][wiki="Chapter 24"]Chapter 24 - The Harder They Fall[/wiki] - Kalani picks up Michael, Burt and Riley on the way back from the golf course mission. Kalani drops off Michael and Burt, and later Riley to the tower. He then flies the helicopter into a maller tanker, sacrificing himself and the chopper in an attempt to stop the tower from being destroyed.
  3. +
    [*][wiki="22 - Our Doubts are Traitors"]Chapter 22 - Our Doubts are Traitors [/wiki]- [wiki]Jakob[/wiki] and [wiki]James[/wiki] spot a helicopter on the roof of the hospital from a nearby rooftop. They report back to the tower.
    [*][wiki="Chapter 23"]Chapter 23 - The Devil's Workshop[/wiki] - [wiki]Kalani[/wiki], [wiki]Riley[/wiki], [wiki]Angel[/wiki] and [wiki]Burt[/wiki] make it up to the rooftop, and [wiki]Kalani[/wiki] flies it off.
    [*][wiki="Chapter 24"]Chapter 24 - The Harder They Fall[/wiki] - [wiki]Kalani[/wiki] picks up [wiki]Michael[/wiki], [wiki]Burt[/wiki] and [wiki]Riley[/wiki] on the way back from the golf course mission. [wiki]Kalani[/wiki] drops off [wiki]Michael[/wiki] and [wiki]Burt[/wiki], and later [wiki]Riley[/wiki] to the tower. He then flies the helicopter into a maller tanker, sacrificing himself and the chopper in an attempt to stop the tower from being destroyed.

    | image =[IMG][/IMG]
    | label = Bell 412 Huey from Mercy Air Ambulance[/template]
    | image =[IMG][/IMG]
    | label = Diagram[/template]

    [category]Survival Gear[/category][category]Vehicles[/category]

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