33 - Red Winter

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    | name ="Red Winter"
    | chapternum =33
    | numparts =3
    | image = [IMG]http://www.zombiepodcast.com/externalimages/covers/33.jpg[/IMG]
    | narrator =
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    | part2 =
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    | origtitle =
    | writer =[wiki]Kc Wayland[/wiki]
    | artist =
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    [h="2"]Part 1[/h]
    The episode starts with the sound of a UGV (unmanned Ground Vehicle) breaking a vial of sweat and playing the sound of a person calling for help. Zombies come running then an explosion sounds. A hummer drives up to the site and Puck and Michael banter about how a few more of these could clear out Barstow. Michael calls it KODI (Killing Ordinance Deployment Initiative) Puck has lost a bet to Michael about this working but doesn’t have 5 credits to pay Michael. While examining the damage done Michael estimates the robotically dropped explosive killed 15 zombies. Puck comments that the recruits are getting stupider and Michael explains that because of the cold front in Boulder Colorado, everyone is dying to get someplace warm. Simms notices a little shrapnel in KODI but its fixable. Michael checks a body of a zombie then writes an entry into his personal journal. Michael comments about how KODI reminds him of Johnny Five.

    [h="2"]Part 2[/h]
  2. +
    Specialist Anthony Robbins narrates the rescue mission to find the Helicopter with Kimmet’s daughter. Carl Thomas, learns that the zombies can freeze from the pictures that Tony Robbins shows him. Tony also manning the M134 minigun on the Black hawk. The crash looks survivable and they are almost fooled by 2 zombies in uniform that they gun down at the last minute. An inspection of the crash site shows that 1 body is missing. Carl has Tony confirm his suspicion that a zombie tore through the side of the helicopter. They follow 2 sets of footprints into the woods, and discover that 1 set of footprints stop at the pine tree. The Zombie kills two soldiers before they can retreat to the helicopter. Tony Shoots the zombie with the mini-gun and sends Carl out to inspect the body of the Female Zombie that was so hard to kill. Tony finds a number 2 tattooed on the zombie arm so Carl calls Michael with the Satellite phone. Tony finds one of the soldiers is still alive and he turns as they try to give him medical aid. The other soldier turns too but is as hard to kill as the #2 zombie. Everyone is shocked at how fast the newly turned solder’s skin becomes hard enough to stop some of the bullets. Kimmet orders them to return his Niece’s body and burn the other ones. Michael defies a direct order from Kimmet and orders Carl to bring back the #2 Zombie
    [h="2"]Part 3[/h]
    Specialist Anthony Robbins narrates the rescue mission to find the Helicopter with Kimmet’s daughter. Carl Thomas, learns that the zombies can freeze from the pictures that Tony Robbins shows him. Tony also manning the M134 minigun on the Black hawk. The crash looks survivable and they are almost fooled by 2 zombies in uniform that they gun down at the last minute. An inspection of the crash site shows that 1 body is missing. Carl has Tony confirm his suspicion that a zombie tore through the side of the helicopter. They follow 2 sets of footprints into the woods, and discover that 1 set of footprints stop at the pine tree. The Zombie kills two soldiers before they can retreat to the helicopter. Tony Shoots the zombie with the mini-gun and sends Carl out to inspect the body of the Female Zombie that was so hard to kill. Tony finds a number 2 tattooed on the zombie arm so Carl calls Michael with the Satellite phone. Tony finds one of the soldiers is still alive and he turns as they try to give him medical aid. The other soldier turns too but is as hard to kill as the #2 zombie. Everyone is shocked at how fast the newly turned solder’s skin becomes hard enough to stop some of the bullets. Kimmet orders them to return his Niece’s body and burn the other ones. Michael defies a direct order from Kimmet and orders Carl to bring back the #2 Zombie


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    [*][URL="http://www.imdb.com/title/tt2362324/"]IMDB Page for Chapter 33: "Red Winter"[/URL]


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