Molotov Cocktails

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    Information About Molotov Cocktails:
    [*]flammable liquid contained in breakable glass bottles with soaked rag sticking out from the top (Usually Alcohol or Gasoline ).
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    A flammable liquid contained in breakable glass bottles with soaked rag sticking out from the top (Usually Alcohol or Gasoline).[template]Sidepic
    | image =[IMG][/IMG]
    | label =Molotov Cocktail[/template]

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    Information about :
    [*]Molotov Cocktails used by tower residence to fend of Maullers.
    First Appeared: Chapter 12- Part 2
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    [*]Chapter 12 - Part 2: Used to fend off the mallers. One stops a car from breaking the parking garage gate.
    [*]Chapter 12 - Part 4: Scratch uses one to set fire to the Tower.
    [*]Chpater 18 - Part 3: Skittles throws one at the [wiki="Big ones"]Big one[/wiki] to distract and enrage it.


    Notable Quotes
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    [*]Pegs: what are these things your making? can i help?
    [*]Burt: Molotov Cocktails my dear. Stick some cloth in a bottle of what ever your poison, let it soak up the rag, light it, chuck it, boom.
  8. +
    |text = "What are these things your making? Can I help?" - [wiki="Pegs"]Pegs[/wiki]
    |text = "Molotov Cocktails my dear. Stick some cloth in a bottle of what ever your poison, let it soak up the rag, light it, chuck it, boom." - [wiki="Burt"]Burt[/wiki]
    [category]Survival Gear[/category][category]Weapons[/category]


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