23 - The Devil's Workshop

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    | name ="The Devil's Workshop"
    | chapternum =23
    | numparts =3
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    | image = [file]ch23polo.jpg|center|Chapter 23[/file]
    | narrator =
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    | part1 =6/20/11
    | 1rt =
    | part2 =6/27/11
    | 2rt =
    | part3 =7/11/11
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    | writer =[wiki]Kc Wayland[/wiki]
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    [h="2"]Part 1[/h]
    The chapter begins with Kalani, Angel, Riley, and Burt running away from a horde of zombies coming at them from both directions. Riley tells them to go into a room, and Kalani says there's no way out and they are trapped in there.

    Burt takes over as narrator, but isn't sure where to begin so he starts telling the story a few hours after Saul left LAX. Burt tried to raise him on the radio, but Saul isn't responding. Victor tells him to give it up because Saul probably can't hear him, but Burt says Saul still has his CB radio and should be able to. Victor says that means Saul isn't listening and Burt should help Victor with his task. Burt had figured Saul was wising up, but apparently he was wrong. Kalani is still training Pegs on how to fly the helicopter they are working on fixing up. Datu is still trying to fix the hydraulic line that was shot, and so far has been unsuccessful. Datu starts to explain what he's tried and why it didn't work, but Burt doesn't understand what he's saying. Kalani doesn't understand either because he's not a mechanic, but he has faith Datu can fix it because he fixed the bullet ridden generator at the Tower. Datu mentions how if the generator breaks, they don't fall thousands of feet, to which Burt agrees and tells Datu to take his time.

    Kalani and Burt are prepping to leave for a mission and Victor asks again if he can join them, and Burt again tells him no. Victor needs to stay and protect Datu, Pegs and the helicopter. Datu takes offense, and Burt tells him it's better to have Victor there so Datu isn't looking over his shoulder every 60 seconds and can work on fixing the helicopter. Victor says they need him on the mission, and that he's better than Riley. Burt agrees, but says he still can't go. Kalani mentions that Riley has been to the hospital before and knows it better than anyone else and that the hospital is a very dangerous place. Burt asks if Kalani is chickening out on him, and Kalani brings up fighting off the Behemoth at the Army Base, and continued to tell the story but Burt's narration interrupts him and he mentions how he stopped listening to Kalani's story.

    The narration continues and Burt, and Kalani pick up Angel and Riley at the Tower. On the drive to the hospital, Kalani has high hopes that the chopper found on top of the hospital will fly because medevac choppers are highly maintained. Angel, once again, is ragging on Kalani because he assumes every vehicle they encounter will just start up despite having been sitting for months now and also: they will need a key. This time, though, Kalani knows what he's talking about and says the helicopter will start and the keys won't be far. Burt says it's probably like a military vehicle with check in and out log and the keys would be near by. Burt says he and Kalani have talked over the plan before they picked them up, and Burt has backup plans if need be. This sends the conversation spiraling into Angel complaining about not being in charge, yet again. Riley stops the two guys from fighting over it. They see the hospital from a few blocks away and Burt goes on to describe it as one of the oldest and largest hospitals in the area.

    Back at the Tower, Michael is still hoping to hear from Saul. Tanya says he'll come back. Michael says if he takes much longer they might not be there when he tries to come back. Tanya wonders what will happen to Lewis when they leave. Michael says if they can prove he did it, Lewis stays. Tanya says they have taken Pippin's body out back and burned it but she wasn't sure why that was necessary. She and Michael get into an argument about dead bodies and who or what might be digging them up. Tanya asks Michael if he read all the journals, and he gets short with her and says no. Tanya gets annoyed with Michael's snippy attitude towards her and storms off to help bring supplies to the adjacent building. Michael lights up a cigarette when someone calls to him saying there's a group of biters coming their way. Michael immediately goes after Tanya.

    By the time Michael gets downstairs, Tanya is already gone. He and Steven rushes outside to try to find her. They get to the adjacent building and tell Kelly and the others to lock themselves in. He and Steven go around the opposite side of the building and see a clump of zombies moving together, protecting one in the middle who is dragging Tanya away. Steven fires off the first shots and draw the attention of the clump of zombies, some of which peel off the group to attack. Steven continues to take out those that are attacking them, while Michael tries to shoot the one in the center of the group. Kelly also joins the fray. Michael runs after the zombie dragging Tanya and when he finally hit the zombie with a shot, it dropped Tanya and Michael saw its face. He shouts, "Randy!" before the zombie was able to duck behind a building and out of sight. Michael, Steven, and Kelly drag Tanya back into the Tower. As they got back into the Tower, more zombies appeared from surrounding buildings. Tanya was brought upstairs and chained to the bed Saul was in. Steven is in the guard room, observing the zombies as they are hanging around outside, not necessarily trying to get in. Michael uses the camera to try to look for something (or someone) but can't find them. Steven notes how this might be a good thing, because the Tower now has extra security guards.

    Per Burt's plan, when they arrive at the hospital Burt and Riley wait outside and Kalani and Angel go inside to try to find the helicopter.
    The original "air dates" of Chapter 23 were:
    [*] Part 1: June 20, 2011
    [*] Part 2: June 27, 2011
    [*] Part 3: July 11, 2011

    This chapter contains a thank you to the SAG Foundation's Don Lafontaine's Voice Over Lab before each chapter part.


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