I've been sitting here at my computer for the better part of an hour just trying to think of what to say here. To be perfectly honest, Season four wasn't necessarily my favorite. It definitely felt......different. Maybe it was just knowing that the series would soon be coming to an end and that the story that I've been following for the better part of five years would soon be over, and that I would soon be saying goodbye to characters that had been a part of my life for quite some time. I wasn't sure what to expect out of the finale, but I'm happy to say that I'm satisfied. It did feel a bit rushed after four seasons worth of build up to have all of the major conflicts wrapped up a half hour into the series finale, but the time jump was a really effective way to get closure on all of the characters I've spent so long getting to know, and it's the perfect jumping off point for further exploration in the world of We're Alive.

After all is said and done, it wasn't perfect, but it was well written, well produced, and damned entertaining, which is more than can be said for most of the garbage that passes for entertainment these days. To KC and all the cast and crew of We're Alive I really only have one thing to say: Thank you. It's obvious that you put a huge amount of work into this, and it really is appreciated.